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Hopes Labour will support technology, improve security and drive innovation

Hopes Labour will support technology, improve security and drive innovation


Following Labour's landslide victory in the general election, the industry has already begun to publish its list of demands for the next government.

Keir Starmer won 412 seats, but mostly at the expense of the Conservative Party, which suffered a major defeat and managed to hold on to just 121 seats.

Almost immediately, responses from industry lobby groups and tycoons began being shared, expressing hope that the next administration would leverage IT to change the destiny of the country.

At the most basic level, we hope that a focus on leveraging technology to drive improvement and innovation will spur investment in technology.

Dale Peters, senior research director at Tech Market View, said that to achieve economic growth and improve productivity, the new government needs to create conditions that support the appropriate application of digital technologies and provide an environment in which innovation can thrive.

Labour plans to create a national data library to help deliver data-driven public services and introduce a new industrial strategy to support the development of AI. [artificial intelligence] He said he would drive reform in the data center industry and remove barriers to planning new data centers.

The plan introduces 10-year funding cycles for major research and development institutions and aims to build better industry-academia partnerships, all of which will be welcomed by the tech industry.

Supporting technology companies

Meanwhile, Rob Boley, CEO of systems integrator Dootrix, sent a message to the new administration urging it to do more to support technology companies.

“One of the biggest pain points for the ambitious and pioneering tech startups we work with is securing the investment they need to scale,” he said. “Time and again, we see tech entrepreneurs, once they've grown their business to a certain scale, struggle to get the investment they need for the next stage of growth. And often, they end up relocating their operations overseas to secure the future of their business.”

Some in the industry have been frustrated by the lack of concrete technology policies in the campaign, but are hopeful that will change now that the new administration faces real challenges and must address pressing issues.

Al Lakani, CEO of multi-factor authentication specialist IDEE, said there was a lack of strategies to address the security side of things.

For all the noise of the election, cybersecurity was absent, he said. In some ways, this is understandable, as there are plenty of other social and economic issues to focus on when trying to win over voters. But once this election is over and a new party is in power, it would be a grave mistake to continue to ignore cybersecurity.

ISACA global chief strategy officer Chris Dimitriadis agreed that cybersecurity should be one of the areas the new administration should lead.

Protecting the UK's critical infrastructure from cybercrime should remain a priority for the next government, he said. But there is no time to undo and redo the work that has been done so far, as cybercriminals are carrying out more sophisticated attacks more easily and more frequently. With 38% of cyber professionals saying they are experiencing more cyber attacks in 2020 than they will in 2022, the next government will need to build on existing measures.




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