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Friday Flashback: Kriti Sanon's meteoric rise in 2024

Friday Flashback: Kriti Sanon's meteoric rise in 2024
Friday Flashback: Kriti Sanon's meteoric rise in 2024


As we enter another #FlashbackFriday, it’s time to shine the spotlight on Bollywood’s latest sensation, Kriti Sanon. The first half of 2024 has been nothing short of spectacular for Kriti, who delivered two back-to-back blockbusters in just six months.

Kriti Sanon’s journey in Bollywood is a testament to her dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence. Reflecting on her success, Kriti once said, “Thankfully, I remained dedicated to my craft and gradually, opportunities started multiplying as success followed.” This statement perfectly sums up her journey from a budding actress to one of the biggest stars in the industry.

Breaking box office records

Kriti's stellar year began with the release of 'Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya' on February 9, 2024. Starring Shahid Kapoor in the lead role, the film grossed ₹133.64 crore, including ₹96.29 crore in India alone. Kriti's role as Sifra, a humanoid robot, was widely acclaimed. Her performance broke new ground in Bollywood, with audiences and critics alike praising her for bringing humour and a magnetic presence to the unique character.

Not resting on her laurels, Kriti followed up with another hit, 'Crew'. Starring industry icons Kareena Kapoor Khan and Tabu, the film grossed Rs 100.84 crore, including Rs 33.35 crore from international markets. Kriti's role as a cabin crew member was both nuanced and captivating, making her performance a standout even alongside such established names.

Standing among the pillars

Kriti's ability to shine in 'Crew' speaks volumes about her talent. Despite sharing the screen with Kareena and Tabu, Kriti held her own, showcasing her range and depth as an actress. The film further cemented her reputation as one of the most versatile and compelling performers in Bollywood.

A testimony of dedication

In a recent interview, Kriti shared insights into her journey, expressing gratitude for her unwavering dedication. She said, “Over the course of a decade, through all the ups and downs, I have come to a point where my only goal is to do work that I am truly passionate about.” This passion for her craft is evident in every role she takes on, and it is clear that 2024 has been a year where she has reaped the rewards of her hard work.

Looking forward

With such an impressive start to 2024, Kriti Sanon has set the bar high for the rest of the year. Her ability to captivate audiences and deliver memorable performances amidst fierce competition underscores her status as a leading actress in Bollywood. Looking back at her achievements, it is exciting to think what the future holds for this talented star. Meet Kriti Sanon, the reigning queen of Bollywood box office!

Also read: Vikrant Massey: From TV Star to Man of the Year




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