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'Lioness' Actor Mike Heslin Dies at 30, Doctors Have 'No Explanation'

'Lioness' Actor Mike Heslin Dies at 30, Doctors Have 'No Explanation'
'Lioness' Actor Mike Heslin Dies at 30, Doctors Have 'No Explanation'


Actor Mike Heslin dies of 'unexpected cardiac arrest', husband Scotty Dynamo announced via Instagram Friday. He was barely 30 years old.

The widower shared that the “Special Ops: Lioness” actor, whom he remembered as his “best friend” and “soulmate,” died Tuesday after a “week-long battle in the hospital.”

“Michael was young, perfectly healthy, and doctors have no explanation for what happened,” Dynamo added alongside a slideshow of photos of Heslin throughout his life, including their wedding day.

Mike Heslin died at the age of 30 after suffering a cardiac arrest. Instagram/@mikeheslin
“The doctors have no explanation for what happened,” his wife said on Instagram. Instagram/@mikeheslin

The DJ said his late wife was a “brilliant, selfless, talented person and a true guardian angel” who helped him through “multiple rounds of cancer”, and was a “shoulder to lean on” and gave him “the best advice”.

“When I felt you take your last breath, my heart shattered into a thousand pieces,” Dynamo continued. “If I had the power to trade places with you, I would do it instantly.”

The musical artist shared that he and the “Holiday Proposal Plan” actor are in the “early stages” of building a family together and the latter said he feels like he's “meant to be a dad.”

Dynamo concluded his heartfelt message by writing: “Michael, in the words of Shania Twain:
I will love you “forever and ever.”

Dynamo said his partner was “brilliant, selfless, talented and a true guardian angel.” Instagram/@mikeheslin
The married couple were planning to start a family together. Instagram/@mikeheslin

A GoFundMe has been created to raise money for the late actor's funeral and hospital expenses.

The Last of Heslin social media post He is seen sitting by the pool with Dynamo, flaunting their fit physiques.

The death of the “Influencers” actor has sparked much shock and confusion among family, friends and fans.

“This is simply incomprehensible. I send you all my love,” one person commented under Dynamo’s post.

Heslin appears healthy in his latest Instagram post, in which he is seen sitting by the pool. Instagram/@mikeheslin
“It's just incomprehensible,” one person said of Heslin's death. Instagram/@mikeheslin

Sudden cardiac arrest, which occurs when the heart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectedly, is the leading cause of death among young athletes, but remains quite rare, according to the National Institutes of Health.

In July 2023, LeBron James' then-18-year-old son suffered a cardiac arrest while attending a basketball practice for the University of Southern California.

It was later revealed that the “probable” cause of Bronny James' heart condition was an anatomically and functionally significant congenital heart defect.




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