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Share your ideas about what the new Burnside Bridge should look like.

Share your ideas about what the new Burnside Bridge should look like.
Share your ideas about what the new Burnside Bridge should look like.


FILE – This drone photo shows the Burnside Bridge in Portland, Oregon, on March 20, 2020. The bridge will be demolished and replaced.

Stephen Gordon/OPB

One of Portland's iconic bridges needs to be torn down and replaced — and project managers want public input on what the new crossing should look like.

Built in 1926, the Burnside Bridge spans the Willamette River in central Portland. Multnomah County will close the bridge in 2027 and replace it with a more structurally resilient one. The current bridge — along with most other bridges in Portland — is expected to collapse in the event of a major earthquake along the Cascadia subregion. The bridge’s foundation rests on tree trunks, while its replacement will include steel-reinforced concrete columns.

The county has come up with six different possible designs for the replacement bridge, but wants the public's help in making the final decision.

“We want to make sure we build a bridge that the community can be proud of,” said Megan Neal, Multnomah County Bridge Project Manager. “This is a big moment. It’s probably the most important time in the project to contribute to the project.”

The request comes before the county is able to secure all the funding needed to cover the project.

A schematic of the restrained arch design, one of two proposed versions of the $895 million Burnside Bridge replacement project to protect the bridge from earthquakes. The county is holding a series of media events and asking the public for their input on the issue.

Courtesy of Multnomah County

About a third of the $895 million construction project came from vehicle registration fees, and the state and federal governments have promised some financial support. Neal said the county is waiting to hear whether the federal government will approve additional grants to help pay for the project. The county also plans to ask the state Legislature for more money next year.

Although funding is not guaranteed, the county is moving forward with the design process.

Three of the proposed designs are variations of a so-called tied arch bridge, which consists of two distinctive parallel arches similar to Portland’s Fremont Bridge. The other three designs are variations of cable-stayed bridges, which consist of two vertical towers connected to the base of the bridge by cable lines, similar to Portland’s Tilikum Crossing.

There is little difference between the six options, except for their aesthetics, Neil said.

“We evaluated all options in terms of cost, timeline, buildability, risk to passengers and impact on nearby businesses. All are neutral,” she added.

A schematic of the cable-stayed design, one of two proposed versions of the $895 million replacement project to protect the Burnside Bridge from earthquakes. The county is holding a series of media events and asking the public for their input on the issue.

Courtesy of Multnomah County

Multnomah County has created a website with interactive drawings of the bridge design for the public to view before participating in a poll on the best design. The poll closes July 31.

Multnomah County commissioners are expected to vote on the final design for the bridge in October.

Construction on the heavily used bridge is expected to take at least five years, due to environmental regulations and the complexity of the bridge’s central location. The county will focus on creating alternate routes for cars, pedestrians and bikes in 2026 before closing the bridge entirely in 2027.




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