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Paul Hollywood pays tribute to Bake Off contestant Dawn Hollyoak after her death

Paul Hollywood pays tribute to Bake Off contestant Dawn Hollyoak after her death
Paul Hollywood pays tribute to Bake Off contestant Dawn Hollyoak after her death


Paul Hollywood has paid tribute to Dawn Hollyoak after The Great British Baking Competition the candidate has died.

Dawn, an IT manager, competed in the 2022 series and was sent home in the Halloween-themed sixth week. Her family announced her sad death via their Instagram page.

“It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our star baker Dawn,” the message read.

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“Not only was she a wonderfully talented baker, but most importantly an amazing mother, grandmother, wife and friend. Dawn passed away peacefully surrounded by her family. She will always be missed, but we promise to continue her baking legacy!”

“So sorry to hear this, send my regards to the family,” Paul wrote in the comments. “A lovely lady x.”

From the same show, contestant Sandro Farmhouse added: “We love you Dawn,” while Maxy Maligisa said: “We will miss Dawn so much, our memories together are memories I will cherish forever.”

Dawn, the Great British Baking Competition 2022

Channel 4

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Last year's contestant Cristy Sharp wrote: “I'm so sorry, my thoughts are with you all,” while her 2023 compatriot Sakunthala Chandrasekara added: “I'm so sorry to hear this, our thoughts are with Dawn's family and friends!”

“We are so sorry to hear this news. We are thinking of your family and sending you lots of love,” the official said. Pastry shop commented account.

During his six weeks on Pastry shopDawn has never won Star Baker, but she was in contention for victory in weeks one and four.

The show is set to return this year with the same team of judges and hosts, but as of now, Prue Leith will no longer be judging the celebrity series that aired earlier this year.

The Great British Baking Competition and its spin-off Bake Off: an extra slice both aired on Channel 4 in the UK. In the US it is called The Great British Baking Showand broadcast on Netflix.

Learn more British Baking Competition news on our dedicated homepage

Portrait of Joe Anderton

Joe Anderton is a freelance journalist and Welsh resident at Digital Spyworking there since 2016.

Over the course of his career, he's covered a multitude of live events, interviewed celebrities of all sizes, and incorporated countless great/awful puns (delete as appropriate) into his articles.

A huge fan of mainstream and non-mainstream TV and movies, Joe's primary interest is video games. While he is a PlayStation gamer, he plays on Xbox, Nintendo, and PC/Steam Deck, and enjoys keeping tabs on many games he doesn't have time to play.

Joe isn't currently using Twitter, but he's only used it to tell people to watch the movie. Help! I'm a fish (which you really should do).




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