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Prime Minister's speech at Downing Street: 6 July 2024

Prime Minister's speech at Downing Street: 6 July 2024
Prime Minister's speech at Downing Street: 6 July 2024


Thank you all for coming. The work of change began yesterday.

And as the dust settles on Thursday's results, I think what everyone will see is the mood of the country and the nation.

What is expected of us and what we have a mission to deliver change

It is a mandate that gives us the confidence not just to rule, but to transform the nation and make it happen.

And it's a command to do politics differently.

And the change started yesterday

As you can see, I have appointed a cabinet.

It was completed yesterday afternoon.

Some people went to the Cabinet this morning to receive the Royal Seal, a moment in history.

We have now moved on to the first Cabinet meeting of the Labour Government in 2024.

At that Cabinet meeting I had the opportunity to explain precisely what I expected of them in terms of standards, delivery and the trust the country had placed in them.

Yesterday I met with Laurie Magnus, an independent standards advisor, to discuss how the government implements standards.

At the cabinet meeting, I also discussed the performance of the mission.

How will we put into practice the plans we set out in our declaration?

And there will be a mission delivery committee to drive the changes we need, and I will chair that committee to make sure everyone knows that I am a priority in government.

We also talked about preparing for the King's speech.

And I reminded the entire Cabinet that we will be judged by our actions, not our words.

And this afternoon I will continue to appoint a number of new officers.

We had mandates from all four countries on Thursday for the first time in 20 years.

We have a majority in England, Scotland and Wales.

And it is a clear command to rule the four regions of Britain.

Therefore, I will set out tomorrow to visit all four countries.

I will go to Scotland first

Next we'll go to Northern Ireland.

Then I went to Wales and came back to England.

The place where I will meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs is not to discuss the issues and challenges of the day. Of course, we will do that.

But it is also about establishing a different and better way of working across the UK to the way we have been working in recent years, and recognising the contributions of all four countries.

On Thursday we also received a mandate to deliver economic growth, a top priority for the Labour government.

So we discussed it in the cabinet and started working to accelerate growth.

And to ensure that growth happens nationwide so that people can live better lives wherever they live.

The principle I operate by is that the people involved in the game know what is best for their community, and that they must be bold in pushing power and resources from Whitehall to do so.

So when I return from the four countries I will be hosting a meeting of Underground Mayors to discuss their role in delivering the growth needed across the UK.

That will be Tuesday.

This includes non-Labour subway mayors.

Good ideas have no monopoly

And I am not a tribal politician

And the principle I operate by is what local leaders, whether mayors or other elected representatives, want to provide for their districts.

Then, regardless of the color of their roses, my door will be open and my government will cooperate with them.

Late Tuesday I will depart for Washington for the NATO summit.

As you know, I have already made several international calls, as you might expect, to establish relationships with other countries to have really important discussions about Ukraine and other urgent issues.

And Washington will be an opportunity to have further discussions with some of the leaders I have already spoken to and some of the leaders I will speak to.

Of course, it is an important NATO summit.

We must make clear that our government's first duty is security and defense, and that we must be clear about our unwavering support for NATO.

Of course, as I said to President Zelensky yesterday, I will reiterate the support we will receive for Ukraine from this country and our allies.

So this is going to be politics and government about delivery and service.

Self-interest is yesterday's politics

I want a politics and a country that works for you.

Thank you very much.




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