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Jujutsu Kaisen's Beloved Wizard Slayer Toji Fushiguro Is Based On THIS Hollywood Action Star

Jujutsu Kaisen's Beloved Wizard Slayer Toji Fushiguro Is Based On THIS Hollywood Action Star


Inspiration is hard to come by, especially when authors are looking to bring exceptionally complex and intricate characters to life. Despite these tribulations, established Jujutsu Kaisen mangaka Gege Akutami has created a large pantheon of fan-favorite characters in his magnum opus, officially becoming the most in-demand anime series at the start of the year.

Toji Fushiguro is inspired by Hollywood action star Jason Statham.
Toji Fushiguro is inspired by Hollywood action star Jason Statham.

Among its main characters, Toji Fushiguro is one of those who make Jujutsu Kaisen as beloved as it gets. The famous assassin, nicknamed the “Sorcerer Killer,” is one of the main antagonists of the manga/anime franchise. The former rival of another beloved character, Satoru Gojo—who makes fans bend over backwards to confess their love for him—is one of the many anime icons who push unrealistic standards for male bodies and fitness.

He has everyone who adores him; the question remains.

Who is Toji Fushiguro from Jujutsu Kaisen modeled after?

Akutami has now revealed why Toji, who left an indelible impression on the JJK fandom despite his short appearance, has such an unforgettable physique. It's because his massive, rugged physique was modeled after the one and only Hollywood action movie star, Jason Statham.

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Fans received the news from the series creator at a Jujutsu Kaisen expo in Tokyo, Japan, and couldn't stop raving about it. This comes a year after the badass character was introduced to the anime world.

So this man has the whole world chasing Jason Statham's physique, wrote one fan.

Another commented: “Makes sense. This guy is a real badass.”

Legions of fans immediately flocked to X/Twitter after popular Jujutsu Kaisen content scooper @Go_Jover revealed Geges' master plan.

The speechless otakus were stunned at how unexpected things had taken a turn. WOAHHHHH I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING.

While some were surprised by these revelations, others immediately accepted the supposedly fitting parallels between Toji and Statham.

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The 56-year-old action icon is generally credited with building his filmography around raw and violent themes. His tough face also reflects his inner martial artist. Reviving action films in the early 2000s, Statham helmed several explosive blockbuster films like the Transporter series, The Italian Job, Death Race, The Beekeeper and many more.

More recent projects that have become intrinsically linked to his tough-guy Hollywood identity include blockbusters like The Expendables and the Fast & Furious franchise, eventually blessing his character Deckard Shaw with the exclusive spin-off Hobbs & Shaw.




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