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REVEALED: Hollywood legend Kevin Costner hails from Kilkenny

REVEALED: Hollywood legend Kevin Costner hails from Kilkenny
REVEALED: Hollywood legend Kevin Costner hails from Kilkenny


Hollywood actor Kevin Costner is one of many celebrities whose ancestors originate from Ireland, particularly Kilkenny.

As the screen legend presented his new directorial masterpiece Horizon: An American Saga to audiences at the Cannes Film Festival in May – and in local cinemas now – we take a look at his Irish roots and how he became one of the silver screen's greatest legends.

Michael Costner, Kevin's great-great-grandfather, was born in Graignamanagh in Kilkenny in 1855 before his family emigrated to the United States following the Great Potato Famine, which caused widespread devastation across the country from 1845 to 1852.

Settling in California, Michael Costner eventually married and raised a family, including his son William, who is believed to be Kevin's grandfather.

William instilled in his grandson a love of Ireland and Irish heritage, and never forgot where his family came from.

William was a successful businessman in California, but his ties to the Emerald Isle remained strong, leading him to visit Ireland on occasion and pass on his love of the country to his family, including Kevin.

Kevin also retained a love for Ireland and spoke of his connection to the country during one of his many visits.

In a 2016 interview with the Irish Times, Costner said:

“I have a lot of friends in Ireland and I feel a connection with the people and the landscape.

“I love how the country has preserved its history and traditions, and I always feel at home when I am there.

During his tours, Costner visited several historic sites across the country, including The Rock of Cashel in Tipperary and Glendalough in County Wicklow.

He even stayed in West Cork to research the life of Michael Collins for a possible film project, adding to the love he shared, as did his grandfather, for Irish history.

“I wanted to do the Michael Collins story, and I still do,” Costner said in a 2020 interview with

“I know another director did it,” referring to Neil Jordan's classic 1996 biopic starring Liam Neeson as Michael Collins, “but that's not the story I was going to do,” he said.

“I love Michael Collins' epic idea. I would still like to make that film one day,” he added, “I thought it was incredible, but compromised by politics.

“His story comes up more and more often. He was a dynamic person who was involved in politics.

“For me, Michael Collins is one of the main reasons I lived in Ireland.”

Reflecting on the film project that could have been directed by Irish writer Eoghan Harris and would surely cement Costner's place in Ireland, he said:

“There was a last line in the script that said, ‘God Ireland, I love you,’ and that was his last line.

“Although it's a fictional line in the film, I think it sums up who he was. It's always affected me.

“I thought Eoghan Harris' script was just superior. It was an epic. It was like a real Lawrence of Arabia take on Collins.”













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