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Xi Jinping's visit amplifies Shanghai spirit, carries forward traditional friendship, strengthens forces for peace: Chinese FM

Xi Jinping's visit amplifies Shanghai spirit, carries forward traditional friendship, strengthens forces for peace: Chinese FM
Xi Jinping's visit amplifies Shanghai spirit, carries forward traditional friendship, strengthens forces for peace: Chinese FM


Chinese President Xi Jinping poses for a group photo with leaders attending the 24th meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization at the Independence Palace in Astana, Kazakhstan, July 4, 2024. Photo: Xinhua

Summing up Chinese President Xi Jinping's trip to Central Asia, including his attendance at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the visit has amplified the Shanghai spirit, deepened traditional friendships and opened up a new vision for building a community with a shared future with neighboring countries.

From Tuesday to Saturday, Xi Jinping attended the SCO summit in Astana and paid state visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan at the invitation of the heads of state of the two countries.

Xi attended more than 30 bilateral and multilateral events over five days and four evenings, which covered political, economic and cultural fields, including catching up with old friends while meeting new ones, Wang said.

The visit has attracted wide attention at home and abroad, as it has enhanced the SCO's role in changing the global landscape and fully reflected China's international status and influence. As the leader of a major country and a major political party, President Xi has provided strategic guidance for the future of the SCO, Wang said.

The Chinese foreign minister highlighted four highlights of Xi's visit.

First, it amplified the Shanghai Spirit and pushed the SCO to make a new leap forward.

Founded 23 years ago, the SCO has grown from six initial members to a big family of 26 countries, an international organization covering the largest area and population. This shows that the SCO principles and the Shanghai Spirit are winning hearts, while the organization's influence, vitality and charm are flourishing, Wang said.

Xi delivered important speeches at the SCO, in which he stressed that the SCO stands on the right side of history, fairness and justice, and is of great significance to the world.

Xi's remarks drew positive reactions from various groups, who spoke highly of China's contribution to the development of the SCO, regional peace and stability, and its role in rallying global South countries for a more just and equitable international order. They expressed high expectations for China's rotating chairmanship of the SCO.

The second highlight of the visit was to carry forward the traditional friendship and enrich the essence of the China-Kazakhstan community with a shared future.

The visit is President Xi's fifth to the country, Wang said, citing the grand welcoming ceremony as proof of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev's deep friendship with Xi.

During the visit, the two heads of state signed a joint declaration and witnessed the signing of dozens of cooperation documents and the inauguration of several cultural facilities.

Eleven years ago, it was in Kazakhstan that Xi Jinping proposed the Silk Road Economic Belt, and the two countries have since achieved fruitful results under the Belt and Road Initiative.

The China-Europe express freight service was inaugurated under the chairmanship of the two heads of state, marking the establishment of a multi-dimensional interconnection integrating road, railway, air and pipeline transportation. It will give strong impetus to the high-quality construction of the BRI between China and Kazakhstan, Wang said.

Wang stressed that the third major achievement is the new positioning of China-Tajikistan relations, with the two sides upgrading their bilateral ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era.

The two countries will continue to firmly promote friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation, support each other in pursuing a development path suited to each country's national conditions, and uphold the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of each country. We will be each other's trustworthy friends, reliable partners and close brothers, Wang said.

Wang also highlighted two highlights of the visit to Tajikistan. The two heads of state attended the inauguration of the China-aided parliament and government buildings, and Xi awarded the “Friendship Medal,” China's highest official honor for foreigners, to Tajik President Emomali Rahmon.

The fourth achievement of Xi Jinping's visit was to strengthen strategic communication and promote the growth of forces for peace.

While attending the SCO summit, Xi held bilateral meetings with foreign leaders including Russian President Vladimir Putin. Xi took stock of cooperation opportunities offered by China and stressed cooperation among southern countries.

Foreign leaders spoke highly of China's achievements in the new era and expressed hope to learn from China's governance experience. They affirmed the one-China principle, opposed Taiwan independence in all forms and supported the Chinese government's efforts to realize national reunification.

They also said they have the same or similar positions as China on the Ukrainian crisis, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and other key issues, and are willing to strengthen multilateral coordination with China to jointly address challenges.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the issuance of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. From the principles to the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, from exploring relations among countries to seeking a better world, China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of the international order, Wang said.

The Global Times




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