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Biden's Fall: Hollywood Turns Against Its President

Biden's Fall: Hollywood Turns Against Its President
Biden's Fall: Hollywood Turns Against Its President


While President Joe Biden has always enjoyed the full support of Hollywood, the 81-year-old saw his good graces with celebrities fall apart after his inconsistent debate performance.

Less than three weeks ago, Biden stood proudly alongside the likes of George Clooney, Barbara Streisand and Julia Roberts as the stars headlined a glitzy fundraiser for the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

The Los Angeles event, held at the Peacock Theater, raised $30 million for Biden and took place before the president’s disastrous performance in the first debate. Even then, one incident drew the attention of critics who noted that former President Barack Obama was forced to gently usher his friend off stage after Biden stared open-mouthed at the audience.

President Joe Biden shakes hands with George Clooney during the Kennedy Center Honoree Reception at the White House. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

While celebrities like Roberts and Clooney may have overlooked the incident and a slew of similar situations leading up to the fundraiser, the June 27 debate was the nail in the coffin for Biden's relationship with many Hollywood stars.

From Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, who donated $20 million to the Democratic Party, to Disney heiress Abigail Disney, Biden has lost the support of many Hollywood moguls in the nine days since the debate.

Hastings urged Biden to step aside to allow a vigorous Democratic leader to defeat Trump and keep us safe and prosperous, according to At New York Times.

Meanwhile, Disney, a major Democratic donor, told the outlet that it was pulling its donations from Democrats until they take the bull by the horns and replace Biden at the top of the ticket.

The Disney heiress and Netflix titan are far from the only famous Democratic donors to withdraw their support for Biden.

After the debate,Lost Co-creator Damon Lindelof also pledged to withhold donations to the Democratic Party until he makes a change in party leadership.


For me, it's not about the ability to govern, but the ability to WIN, he wrote in an email to New York Times earlier this week. According to the outlet, the Hollywood icon has donated $125,000 this election cycle to the Biden campaign and nearly the same amount to Democratic candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives.

Additionally, former DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, who organized the Peacock Theater fundraiser, has remained uncharacteristically silent since the debate. decreases to comment to the media on the withdrawal of his support.




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