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Colon cancer on the rise among young adults: Tarrant County health experts explain why

Colon cancer on the rise among young adults: Tarrant County health experts explain why


As medical director Moncrief Institute for Cancer ResearchDr. Keith Ergenbright is alarmed about early cancer rates in Tarrant County.

In recent months, Ergenbright and other experts have noticed a worrying trend: Colorectal cancer is on the rise among young adults.

Colorectal cancer It develops from a tumor in the lining of the colon. Colon cancer and rectal cancer are often classified together because they have many things in common.

Compared to 10 years ago, colorectal cancer is now nearly twice as common in people under the age of 54. Diagnosis rates in people under 54 increased from 11% in 1995 to 20% in 2019, the study showed. American Cancer Society 2023 Survey.

Ergenbright said researchers don't know why colon cancer is increasing in younger people, but many are trying to find out.

Despite the increase, the overall number of cases in people under 40 remains low and remains extremely rare in those under 30.
In Tarrant County, nonprofits Cancer Care Services Last year, the nonprofit saw an increase in colorectal cancer referrals among people in their 30s. Still, the majority of the nonprofit's referrals are still patients in their 40s or older.

Some data suggests that environmental factors such as air quality and food production may be important drivers of diagnosis, Ergenbreit said.

“It's probably due to toxins in the air we breathe and the things we eat, particularly our increasing consumption of ultra-processed foods,” he said. “Again, we don't yet fully understand what factors are responsible, but it's definitely happening.”

Recent generations have increased their consumption Ultra-Processed Foods and, Drinking alcohol frequentlyBut more research certainly needs to be done to confirm that these habits are contributing factors, Ergenbright said.

According to other data obesity and Lack of access to testing This may be a factor in the rise in colon cancer rates among young adults, which researchers suggest may be due to genetic factors, but most early diagnoses are not due to a genetic predisposition, said Carlton Allen, prevention program manager at the Texas Cancer Prevention and Research Institute.

Allen said researchers are observing similar trends across Texas of rising colorectal cancer rates among younger people.

Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women in Texas. In 2022, an estimated 12,444 people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in Texas, and approximately 4,447 people will die from the disease. According to the Texas Cancer Prevention Institute:.

Ergenbright stressed the importance of staying current on research, pointing to the innovations that have taken place in cancer treatment over the past decade.

“There are many more drugs available now than there were 10 years ago,” he said. “As we move through this disease, new treatments will be discovered and become available that aren't available today, but it will just take a little while.”

Currently, medical experts advise adults as young as 20 years old to look out for warning signs associated with colorectal cancer.

Adults should tell their doctor if they experience symptoms such as constipation, rectal bleeding, or a sudden change in bowel habits. The incidence is still too low to warrant routine colonoscopy in young adults. According to the Yale School of Medicine:.

To avoid colorectal cancer, young adults should exercise, eat enough fiber, drink alcohol in moderation, and lose weight if possible.

People who are not at high risk for colorectal cancer should have a colonoscopy every 10 years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
May 2021, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force The recommended age has been lowered Start colorectal cancer screening at age 45 instead of 50.

Moncrief Cancer Institute offers a colon cancer screening test called the fecal immunochemical test, which eligible Tarrant County residents can easily complete at home. (Photo courtesy of Moncrief Cancer Institute)

For Tarrant County residents who don't have health insurance, Texas Health Resources Mobile Medical Unit Moncrief Cancer Institute Free colon cancer screening Services and Kits. Call Texas Health Resources at 855-318-7696 or Contact Moncrief Cancer Institute.

David Moreno is a health reporter for the Fort Worth Report. His position is supported by a grant from Texas Health Resources. He can be reached at [email protected] or David Report.

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