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Meet tennis star Aryna Sabalenka, who just withdrew from Wimbledon but has a new boyfriend

Meet tennis star Aryna Sabalenka, who just withdrew from Wimbledon but has a new boyfriend
Meet tennis star Aryna Sabalenka, who just withdrew from Wimbledon but has a new boyfriend


Aryna Sabalenka is a former world No. 1 tennis player in women's singles and doubles, and the Belarusian athlete is currently ranked No. 3 in the world by the WTA. Much to the delight of fans, she also recently confirmed her relationship with Georgios Frangulis in an Instagram reel filmed during the Berlin Open.

Just weeks earlier, the 26-year-old Sabalenka had announced she would not play at the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris. She then withdrew from Wimbledon just hours before the tournament's opening match, where she was scheduled to face Germany's Emina Bektas. Sabalenka, whose participation in the world's biggest tournament was eagerly anticipated, cited a particularly frustrating shoulder injury that prevented her from serving, AP reported.

It has been a difficult few months for Sabalenka, after her former boyfriend, NHL player Konstantin Koltsov, suddenly passed away in March.

Here's what else we know about Sabalenka:

She has done some modeling work

Aryna Sabalenka was once world number 1 Photo: @arynasabalenka/Instagram
This year there is no shortage of fusion between tennis and fashionand it seems that this athlete's style on the court can just as easily translate to posing for a photoshoot. The tennis star has graced the cover of Vogue Australia and worn sportswear for big names including Wilson and Nike.

Her ex-boyfriend died in March

Aryna Sabalenka and her deceased ex-boyfriend Konstantin Koltsov. Photo: @arynasabalenka/Instagram
Former NHL player and Olympian Konstantin Koltsov, whom Sabalenka was in a relationship with from 2021 to the end of 2023, died in March of this year. Police in Miami, Florida, where he was staying at the time, declared his death a suspected suicide, according to CNN. In the weeks following his death, ESPN reported that Sabalenka had been seen wearing all black during training. She later told the press in a statement that she and Koltsov had broken up before his death, but that she was heartbroken.
Paula Badosa (left) and Aryna Sabalenka (right) at the Miami Open shortly after the death of Konstantin Koltsov, dressed all in black. Photo: Getty Images

Tennis player Paula Badosa, Sabalenka's best friend and currently No. 93 in the WTA rankings, was scheduled to play the grieving athlete at the Miami Open in the days following Koltsov's death, The Telegraph reported.

Before the match, Badosa commented on Sabalenka's emotional strength: She is a strong woman. I think she will get her strength from somewhere.

She is known for the tiger tattoo on her arm

Aryna Sabalenka has a striking tiger tattoo on her arm. Photo: Getty Images
Sabalenka has a tiger tattoo on her arm that matches her Chinese zodiac sign and she said earlier that sometimes I have to remind myself that I am the tigress and I have to fight till the end.

According to Business Insider, her fighting spirit during the competition has earned her the nickname The Tiger.

She does not support the war between Russia and Ukraine

Aryna Sabalenka is originally from Minsk, Belarus. Photo: @arynasabalenka/Instagram

Sabalenka is outspoken about her political beliefs and has spoken out about the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, expressing her desire for peace: No one in this world, Russian athletes or Belarusian athletes, supports the war. No one.

She is currently in a relationship with a racing driver and CEO

Georgios Frangulis is a race car driver, one of his many talents. Photo: @georgiosfrangulis/Instagram

Sabalenka’s current boyfriend, Georgios Frangulis, is a decade her senior and the co-founder and acting CEO of Brazilian petting chain Oakberry. Since its launch in 2016 in São Paulo, Oakberry has expanded into global markets including Portugal, Spain, the UAE, Korea, the U.S., the U.K. and more, according to Franchise Times.

Georgios Frangulis is co-founder of Oakberry. Photo: @georgiosfrangulis/Instagram

Frangulis is also a racing driver who competed in the Porsche Carrera Cup Brasil last year. Sabalenka, who accompanied him to the F1 Emilia Romagna Grand Prix in May, seems to be just as passionate about the sport, sharing photos of the two on her Instagram. Frangulis is also a sponsor of the Haas F1 team, which boasts big names such as Romain Grosjean and Kevin Magnussen.

Aryna Sabalenka and Georgios Frangulis at the 2024 Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix. Photo: @arynasabalenka/Instagram

Sabalenka was even spotted at the Haas Paddock Club with Frangulis, who introduced her to the Haas team members. The athletes' spirits seemed lifted despite her loss to Iga Witek in the Italian Open final just hours earlier.

Aryna Sabalenka and her new boyfriend Georgios Frangulis on vacation in Greece. Photo: @arynasabalenka/Instagram

Sabalenka hinted at a relationship with Frangulis while on holiday in Greece after her defeat to Mirra Andreeva at Roland Garros. He was seen in one of her photos.




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