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Mystery: Hollywood actor's 20-year-old model daughter found dead by her 'boyfriend' in LA home

Mystery: Hollywood actor's 20-year-old model daughter found dead by her 'boyfriend' in LA home
Mystery: Hollywood actor's 20-year-old model daughter found dead by her 'boyfriend' in LA home


The daughter of a Hollywood actor was found dead in her apartment, according to the medical examiner, in what appears to have been a suicide.

Daelena Mackay died on May 23, a month before her 21st birthday, after the man she was living with called 911 and said he found her hanging with a scarf in the bathroom.

She was the daughter of actor Dwayne Adway and lived in the El Centro Hollywood apartment building while attending Los Angeles City College.

The man who called police told them he was her boyfriend, but Daelena's family said they broke up in January.

He said he left the apartment during an argument around 8 p.m. and returned to find her dead, according to the police report.

Daelena Mackay was found dead in her luxury apartment in what the coroner ruled a suicide but her family insists it could not have been.

The Los Angeles County medical examiner-coroner ruled his death a suicide by hanging and said an autopsy

The Los Angeles County medical examiner-coroner ruled his death a suicide by hanging and said an autopsy “was not necessary.”

He said he untied the sling and took her down before starting CPR until paramedics arrived – but she could not be revived.

However, Daelena's mother Elaine insisted her daughter did not commit suicide and accused authorities of failing to properly investigate her death.

“His body tells a different story than what the police are telling us, with bruising and bleeding from two puncture wounds about an inch apart that run from the front of his body to the back and other bleeding,” she said.

“All these conclusions that I drew because I had no choice but to examine his body myself, the county coroner omitted from his report.

“Only toxicology was performed by the county coroner, no autopsy.”

The man said the couple argued before he left at 8 p.m. to “defuse the situation” and returned hours later to find her dead, according to the police report.

Daelena was hanging from the shower curtain rod by a red scarf, police said, and was pronounced dead by paramedics just after midnight.

Daelena was the daughter of Hollywood actor Dwayne Adway (photo)

Daelena was the daughter of Hollywood actor Dwayne Adway (photo)

Daelena was found hanging by a red scarf tied around the shower curtain rod in the bathroom of the third-floor Hollywood apartment, according to the man who said he found her.

Daelena was found hanging by a red scarf tied around the shower curtain rod in the bathroom of the third-floor Hollywood apartment, according to the man who said he found her.

The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner-Coroner ruled his death a suicide by hanging and said an autopsy “was not necessary” due to an external examination and the circumstances of his death being conclusive.

The LAPD said the case was thoroughly investigated and detectives met with the family several times to discuss their concerns.

The police report details how the “boyfriend” told detectives that he and Daelena were arguing about her reconnecting with a man in another state before she left.

Mackay claimed the man was her daughter's real boyfriend in Texas, whom she had been dating on and off for three years.

She said they got back together in January when she broke up with the man she was living with and he planned to visit her during the first two weeks of July.

“He would come to Los Angeles to visit her because they often traveled back and forth to visit each other in their long-distance relationship,” she said.

He said he performed CPR on Daelena until paramedics took over, but she could not be revived.

He said he performed CPR on Daelena until paramedics took over, but she could not be revived.

“Daelena had love for her entire family and we have love for her. Daelena loved her, she would never have abandoned her cursed lover.

“Everyone who knew Dae knew she wouldn't have killed herself.”

Mackay said her daughter had too much on her plate as she was about to graduate from college, majoring in English and film, and had big plans.

“My daughter was not suicidal, she saw a therapist the day before and [they] “He said there was no clinical indication of depression or suicide, that my daughter was full of life, very enthusiastic about life,” she said.

“She was so excited to win a poetry contest and soon turn 21 that she actively pursued modeling and acting, following in her parents' footsteps.

“She had plans for her future, including a trip to visit her sister in Florida from June 8-10, she was so excited to go to a rave with her brother, and she had plans to visit my mother and her two younger sisters in Maine this summer.”

Daelena's mother, Elaine, has insisted her daughter did not commit suicide and accused authorities of failing to properly investigate her death.

Daelena's mother, Elaine, has insisted her daughter did not commit suicide and accused authorities of failing to properly investigate her death.

Mackay said Daelena had too much on her plate as she was about to graduate from college, majoring in English and cinematography, and had big plans.

Mackay said Daelena had too much on her plate as she was about to graduate from college, majoring in English and cinematography, and had big plans.

Mackay said her daughter told a friend she was saving to move into her own apartment without her ex when the lease ended.

“We found in her coat pocket the place she was looking at,” she said.

The distraught mother said that because there was no autopsy, she had to do her own investigation of Daelena's body when she came to identify her.

“This process has been very traumatic and emotionally draining for me,” she said.

“As a parent, you don't even want to live that nightmare and it's not something you want to go through.

“Even having to identify the body of one of your daughters, a baby that you… it’s so difficult to go through that process, let alone having to conduct your own investigation because [the various authorities] failed to do their job.

“And I had to take pictures of my daughter's body.

Daelena with her older brother Kaevaan Mackay, who their mother said she planned to visit last month

Daelena with her older brother Kaevaan Mackay, who their mother said she planned to visit last month

Adway said he was heartbroken and grieving the loss of his beautiful, intelligent and talented daughter and wanted a full investigation.

Adway said he was heartbroken and grieving the loss of his beautiful, intelligent and talented daughter and wanted a full investigation.

“The emotional distress caused me to suffer from panic attacks, sporadic muscle spasms, migraines and physical immobility.”

Adway said he was heartbroken and grieving the loss of his beautiful, intelligent and talented daughter.

“I call for a full investigation by the LAPD in hopes of finding truth and justice,” he said. NBC.

However, Mackay claimed her ex-husband asked her to pay half of the at least $4,000 cost of a private autopsy.

“This autopsy is crucial in this case and I do not understand why his father would choose to forgo the autopsy when he knows it is vital,” she said.

Daelena's brother, Kaevaan Mackay, said he wanted her death to be investigated further before it was ruled a suicide.

Daelena's brother, Kaevaan Mackay, said he wanted her death to be investigated further before it was ruled a suicide.

The El Centro Hollywood luxury apartment building where Daelena was found dead

The El Centro Hollywood luxury apartment building where Daelena was found dead

“All this because I don't have my half while he has money, more than enough to pay the whole thing. Why would he do this to our daughter when she's been sitting in the morgue since June 18?”

Mackay raised more than $8,200 online to pay for Daelena's funeral and asked for more to fund the autopsy – otherwise the body would be cremated and all evidence lost.

Daelena's brother, Kaevaan Mackay, said he wanted her death to be investigated further before it was ruled a suicide.

“Did she commit suicide or was her life taken? I want the coroner's office to do their job and look into the details,” he told NBC.




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