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Brownwood hosts arts and crafts festival | News | The Villages Daily Sun

Brownwood hosts arts and crafts festival | News | The Villages Daily Sun
Brownwood hosts arts and crafts festival | News | The Villages Daily Sun


Summer celebrations continue in the Villages at the annual Brownwood Arts and Crafts Show.

Despite the rising temperatures, residents of The Villages and surrounding areas came out in droves to shop at the farmers market and summer festival. Shoppers could be seen sporting wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, bandanas, shorts and flip-flops in an attempt to beat the heat while admiring the unique artwork and custom crafts available.

Most of the vendors at the festival were seasonal vendors, who only came to The Villages during the summer months. Doug and Stephanie Gasher of Fossil Lamps are two of those vendors. These South Florida-based artisans have been selling their lamps at Brownwood Paddock Square since the arts and crafts show began.

“It’s all made from fossilized coral that we get from approved construction sites and in the Florida Keys,” Stephanie said, gesturing toward the rows of lights. “It’s all from the same 43-mile stretch from Key Largo south to Marathon.”

Stephanie said most of their customers are new villagers looking to decorate their new Florida home, while others are custom shoppers coming in to pick up their special orders.

According to Elizabeth Dashiell, a spokeswoman for Howard Alan Events and American Craft Endeavors, the festival draws about 15,000 people each year. Unlike some artisan craft festivals, The Villages Arts and Crafts Festival features only handmade or customizable items made by the vendor, she said.

If the artist can't be there, they can't be at the show, and that's how personalization can happen at our shows, Dashiell said.

Maryann and Rudy vonEgypt haven’t lived in the community long enough to place custom orders, but they were looking for Florida-themed decorations to accent their new home in the Village of Moultrie Creek. The couple, who have only been villagers for a few days, were carrying armfuls of items, including an eye-catching alligator statue and a ceramic sea turtle.

“This is going to be on the porch,” Maryann said, looking at the puppy-sized statue in Rudy’s arms. “Our bathroom theme will be sea turtles, so the sea turtle will be placed on the bathroom sink.”

Beach and underwater-themed artwork was the most common find at the show, ranging from paintings and wall hangings to glass and wax candles filled with seashells, summer linens and accessories like Marina Vegas aluminum jewelry.

“Everything is handmade,” said Rob Vega, Marina’s husband. “Customers love them because they never tarnish or fade.”

Other unique finds include the glass creations of Jos Ricos. The Alachua-based artist specializes in creating glass and mirrored water features that mimic real terrariums and aquariums.

My clients usually want the look of an aquarium without the maintenance, Rico said.

It took Rico 39 years to perfect his glass and mirrored decors, each creation meticulously crafted to give the impression of a living ecosystem. He collects coral on his travels and uses distilled water to ensure maximum clarity, and works closely with his clients to create custom orders.

“I think what’s really special about my dad’s work, besides creating something beautiful, is that it also helps people relax,” said Muki Rico, Joss’s son. “And it’s very functional.”

The Brownwood Arts and Crafts Show featured art for both the exterior and interior of the home. Popular vendors included Cielos Abiertos, which means open sky or open heaven in Spanish, a Miami-based landscape design company specializing in orchid arrangements. Just Plumeria, which sells Hawaiian hybrid cuttings, and various succulent florists with their heat-tolerant plants were also featured.

In addition to arts and crafts vendors, the festival features a variety of food trucks like Nothing Bundt Cakes, Island Fin Pok, Kona Ice and Ppre Joes and entertainment from local restaurants like Prima Italian Steakhouse, where singer Carmen R. Harrell performed throughout the afternoon.

The free arts and crafts show continues from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at Brownwood Paddock Square.

Senior Editor Taylor Strickland can be reached at 352-753-1119, ext. 5334, or [email protected].




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