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Beach's Second Minnesota State Men's Hockey Team Mostly Set | Local Sports

Beach's Second Minnesota State Men's Hockey Team Mostly Set | Local Sports
Beach's Second Minnesota State Men's Hockey Team Mostly Set | Local Sports


The college hockey offseason is always turbulent, but when you start late, it's even more difficult.

That’s what Minnesota State men’s hockey coach Luke Strand faced in 2023, ahead of his first season as Minnesota State men’s hockey coach, as he didn’t get the job from MSU until 18 days after the season ended. That’s an eternity in the transfer portal era of college athletics.

Strand is now in his second season and has had a full off-season to put together his second squad, which is now almost complete.

I'm trying to figure out how I did it all last year, Strand joked. We're really busy planning for next year on so many fronts.

Now that the portal is closed, the roster will consist of 19 returning players, including 11 forwards, six defenders and two goalkeepers.

Returning forwards are Kaden Bohlsen, Brian Carrabes, Adam Eisele, Josh Groll, Tyler Haskins, Will Hillman, Zach Krajnik, Brett Moravec, Kade Nielsen, Brenden Olson and Luc Wilson.

Steven Bellini, Campbell Cichosz, Evan Murr, Jordan Power, Jakob Stender and Mason Wheeler are back on the blue line, as are goalies Andrew Miller and Alex Tracy.

The Mavericks lost just three players through the portal. Forwards Tanner Edwards and Connor Gregga left as graduate transfers, while senior goalie Keenan Rancier also left with one season of eligibility remaining.

Five players, Sam Morton, Lucas Sowder, Jordan Steinmetz, Brandon Koch and Tony Malinowski, were lost to graduation. Morton, Malinowski and Sowder have each signed professional contracts.

The returning (players), they had options, Strand said. We love our culture. We believe our culture is stronger than a vulture coming in and taking our guys.

The more competition, the harder it is, the more likely it is that someone can now use the portal to hit the eject button. You have to have the right guys who don't want to hit the eject button, who want to dig in and who want to work. That's the group we think we have.

Earlier in the offseason, Strand announced the portal additions of forwards Luigi Benincasa (Ferris State) and Fin Williams (Notre Dame), along with defenseman Cade Alami (Arizona State). The Mavericks have since added defenseman Ralfs Bergmanis (Vermont) and goalie Matthew Syverson (Lindenwood) via the portal.

Syversom, a sophomore, played just five games for Lindenwood last season. He will try to compete with Tracy, Miller and incoming freshman Eli Pulver for minutes in net.

He's a bigger goalie with a high ceiling, Strand said of Syversom. I hope when that opportunity comes, he's extremely ready for it.

Bergmanis, a junior, has played in 68 games for Vermont over the past two seasons and has 18 career points (2-1618). He played in the United States Hockey League for Sioux City in 2021-22 as Strand coached the team to the Clark Cup title.

“He's a two-way defender with bite,” Strand said of Bergmanis. “Ralfs is just a very hard-hitting presence.

MSU's incoming freshmen consist of forwards Jacob Bonkowski (Coquitlam, British Columbia Hockey League) and Sam Rice (Madison, USHL), along with defensemen Luke Ashton (Langley, BCHL) and Pulver (Salmon Arm, BCHL).

We’re still a few months away from games, but the Mavericks are already hard at work preparing for the season. The team’s annual summer session is currently underway, giving the nine new players the opportunity to train and get to know their teammates.

Strand is pleased with the progress and attitude on and off the ice.

You see it physically, they've worked, Strand said. I have to give credit to our returning guys. They've welcomed (new players) knowing they don't want to lose their jobs. That's not always easy.

Follow Kevin Dudley on X @Dudley7Kevin.




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