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Sen. Lindsey Graham says if Biden withdraws, “it will be a radically different race” for Trump

Sen. Lindsey Graham says if Biden withdraws, “it will be a radically different race” for Trump
Sen. Lindsey Graham says if Biden withdraws, “it will be a radically different race” for Trump


Washington — Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday that if President Biden were to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race because of growing concerns about his fitness for office after a disastrous debate performance against former President Trump, the Democratic replacement would “dramatically” change the dynamics of the contest.

The president has consistently said he will remain in the race. But the South Carolina Republican, a close ally of former President Donald Trump, said Sunday on “Face the Nation” that he believes “before this is all said and done, President Biden will most likely be replaced.”

“If Biden steps down, Harris will have to pick someone to help him,” Graham speculated. “If she does get nominated, it will be a radically different race than it is today. I hope people are thinking about that on our side.”

If Mr. Biden were to step down, attention would almost certainly turn to Vice President Kamala Harris, who would naturally succeed him as leader of the ticket, although there is no guarantee that this will be the case. If she were to lead the ticket, she would choose another Democrat as her running mate. Graham has made clear that in this scenario, whoever the two parties choose as vice president would have the potential to have a major impact on the November election.

Sen. Lindsey Graham on “Face the Nation,” July 7, 2024. CBS News

“If I were President Trump, I would make sure I picked someone who could add value in 2024,” Graham said.

The former president has been teasing his next running mate for weeks and is expected to reveal his choice at the Republican National Convention later this month. Graham has expressed support for fellow South Carolina Rep. Tim Scott for the job, saying he could help expand the map.

But Graham noted that in addition to Scott, three other Republicans are being discussed for the job: North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida and J.D. Vance of Ohio. And he noted that someone who is not being talked about but “should be” is Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, saying that “if we win Virginia, we win.”

“So I hope that President Trump is looking for a vice president who can not only continue the American First agenda after he leaves office, but also win in 2024,” Graham said.

More information on CBS News

Kaia Hubbard




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