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The two-day off-season training with the “1 Night 2 Days” team and KBS commentators has been successfully completed.

The two-day off-season training with the “1 Night 2 Days” team and KBS commentators has been successfully completed.
The two-day off-season training with the “1 Night 2 Days” team and KBS commentators has been successfully completed.


Photo of '2 Days & 1 Night' | Capture KBS Broadcasting Screen

The two-day off-season training with the “1 Night 2 Days” team and KBS commentators was successfully completed.

The second story of the six members who left the training camp with KBS commentators of the “Paris 2024 Olympic Games” was revealed in KBS 2nd season 4, which aired on 7.

On this day, the audience rating was 8.0% (the national standard of Nilson Korea), maintaining the No. 1 position in the same period. Lee Young-pyo especially forgot that Dindin is a singer, saying, “I play a little table tennis, football, basketball and fencing.” The highest audience rating rose to 10.5% in the scene where he was reborn as a real Trash talker with praise for “He sings a little” and the commentators, who were very close to the members for two days and one night, reminisced.

The Alien team (Yeon Jung-hoon, Kim Jong-min, Yoo Seon-ho, Lee Young-pyo, Ki Bo-bae Jung-in), who have been confirmed with a mountaineering penalty, started hiking to the top of the first peak of Mt. Geumgang, Sinseonbong Peak, located in Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do. Unlike the commentators who were energetic despite the steep slope, Yeon Jung-hoon, Kim Jong-min and Yoo Sun-ho had difficulty climbing the mountain while relying on the rope. After many twists and turns, the six people who reached the top were satisfied with the picturesque scenery and completed the ascent of the mountain by taking commemorative photos.

The random chance dinner was played as a showdown between the “one night and two days” team and the commentator team. After playing three sporting events consisting of table tennis, basketball and dodgeball for three minutes each, the winning team was determined based on the final cumulative score. Before the full-fledged showdown, a special referee recruited by the production team made a surprise appearance. It was Kim Jun-ho who made his debut as a KBS on-screen commentator at the “2024 Paris Olympics”.

With the whistle of referee Kim Joon-ho, the three-minute table tennis of the first match of the “Speed ​​​​Olympics” began. While the “2 Days and 1 Night” team made a series of mistakes, the commentator team managed to gain the upper hand by widening the gap with the performance of the first runner Lee Young-pyo.

In the second basketball game, thanks to Yoo Sun-ho's performance, the “2 Days and 1 Night” team chased the commentator team by 30 points. Commentators consisting of sports legends admired Yoo Sun-ho's game, which was a military discipline from dribbling to passing and shooting, and said, “Why are you so good?”

In dodgeball in the final match, where the winning team will be determined, the commentator team took the advantage thanks to the performance of volleyball empress Han Yu-mi, who managed to make “one hit and two hits” from the first attack. Yoo Sun-ho, who played like an ace in basketball, showed his quick movements in dodgeball and led the team's counterattack, but the match ended with the victory of the commentator team, and the dinner at a high-class dinner was also returned to the commentators.

Special referee Kim Joon-ho stole the limelight by dressing in a referee outfit appropriate for each event in each match. In particular, in the final event, Dodgeball transformed into an animated “Dodgeball King Tonki” character, which drew laughs.

The “one night and two days” team, who were jealous of the commentator's hearty dinner, were given the same meal, but they had to bring food to their plates before the spinning table was finished with one wrist tied to the band. While Yoo Sun-ho and DinDin managed to get food with daring challenges, Nine-woo ended up with a chicken soup chopstick because of the broken strategy he had devised in advance.

After the dinner was over, the “If there are many cooks, sleep indoors” was held, which will determine the fate of sleeping indoors and sleeping outdoors. The game consisted of three rounds in total, and the team that won each round could bring the number of people assigned for each round from the other team to their team, and when all the games were over, the team with many team members slept indoors.

The members and commentators of “One Night, Two Days” were divided into “Blue Team” and “Yellow Team” depending on which seat they were initially seated in. The blue team managed to recruit a total of four yellow team members by winning back-to-back games in the first match, “Balloon Pang on a Gymball” and the second match, “Squat and Group Jump.” In the final match, “Mole Shooting,” a breathtaking 1:1 match took place between the yellow team Jung Yu-in and the blue team Ki Bo-bae, and Jung Yu-in won, allowing the blue team to recruit more people.

However, there were only three people who could be taken from the blue team, and the defeat of the yellow team, who were only three at the beginning of the finals, was already confirmed. In the end, the fate of the outdoor sleeping was decided by the choice of the yellow team Moon Se-yoon, DinDin and Jung Yoo-in, who chose Kim Jun-ho, Jung Ji-hyun and Lee Won-hee instead of the members of “2 Days and 1 Night” as their outdoor sleeping buddy.

The next morning, the wake-up mission was a “Health Karaoke” where you had to score more than 82 points by singing micro-songs on five exercise machines. The team of Lee Young-pyo, Yoo Sun-ho, Ki Bo-bae, Jung Yoo-in and Kim Jong-min, who took the challenge first, secured a meal for “two days and one night” with 99 points, giving only two more people the chance to eat. With Dindin, Kim Jun-ho and Jung Ji-hyun throwing the challenge, the competition event was “1:1 stamp hand fencing”, which Olympic gold medalist Kim Jun-ho had to defeat. Kim Joon-ho won against the two with overwhelming skills, but eventually ran away due to the strong challenge of Jung Ji-hyun, who had an explosive drive to win, turning the scene into a sea of ​​laughter.

In addition to the breakfast, the off-season training of the “1 Night 2 Days” team and KBS commentators was also completed. The commentators said: “I had a pleasant and happy time for two days and one night. It was a time of great memories. I think it was a dreamy day,” he said, expressing his feelings about the appearance of “One Night and Two Days.”

Season 4 of “One Night, Two Days” airs every Sunday at 6:10 PM

[YANG SO YOUNG, reporter of “Star Today”]




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