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Grantham table tennis coach Gavin Evans to go to Paris Olympics

Grantham table tennis coach Gavin Evans to go to Paris Olympics
Grantham table tennis coach Gavin Evans to go to Paris Olympics


The tension is mounting for Grantham table tennis coach Gavin Evans as he makes final preparations for his first Olympic Games.

Evans has been appointed team leader by Table Tennis England for the tournament in Paris, which starts later this month.

He is currently Head of Performance Development at the sports governing body, having developed his coaching talents at Grantham College.

Gavin EvansGavin Evans
Gavin Evans

Evans was head coach of the university's acclaimed table tennis academy before taking up his current role and being part of Team GB for the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

He said: “It's really exciting and we've had an amazing journey to get to this point.

“The preparations are going very well and I am very curious to see how things will go during the Games.

“We are all super excited. We have a great support team around us and we have great sparrers who come from all over the world to support the athletes in their preparation.

“It's really a good time to be alive.”

Evans and his team are currently putting the finishing touches to the team during a five-week training camp at the Institute of Sport in Sheffield.

Later next week they will leave for France for a training camp in Reams, before entering the Olympic village on July 23.

Table tennis action at the Games begins on July 27, the day after the opening ceremony, with the opening stages of the men's and women's singles and mixed doubles. The medal matches are on August 3 and 4, and the team events begin on August 5.

Anna Hursey and Liam Pitchford will be raising the flag for Team GB in a historic moment for both athletes as they compete in their respective singles events.

Gavin Evans (left) with Liam PitchfordGavin Evans (left) with Liam Pitchford
Gavin Evans (left) with Liam Pitchford

Pitchford, who qualifies based on his world ranking, will be making his fourth appearance at the Games and is the first British table tennis player to achieve this feat. Evans believes he has the potential to challenge for a medal.

He commented: “It's a really exciting time for Liam. He's been to three Olympics and on his day he's capable of anything.

“He has just returned from a shoulder injury after an extensive rehabilitation period. He looks fit and strong and has the bit between his teeth.

“Liam has beaten top 10 players this year so it shows he can really perform when he plays at his best.

“We know what Liam is capable of. He can beat anyone in the world when he's in shape, so that's the bit of excitement I always have when I go to the Games.

“If we can get Liam in the right place mentally, physically and technically, I think he can make it to the last 16 or the quarter-finals of the Olympic Games.

“The great thing about this is that we won't know until we get there. I do know that Liam is very excited.”

Hursey only turned 18 last month and secured a place through the European Singles Qualifying Tournament in Sarajevo in May.

She is the first Welsh table tennis player to compete at the Olympic Games and will be a year younger than Pitchford when he took his place at his first Games in London 2012.

Gavin Evans played table tennis as a boy.Gavin Evans played table tennis as a boy.
Gavin Evans played table tennis as a boy.

Hursey is only the third British athlete to secure a place through the continental qualifying tournament and the first since 1992, when Lisa Lomas and Alison Gordon secured a place at the Barcelona Games.

Evans said: “It's an incredible achievement for Anna and at 18 she's a superstar in the making.

“She has risen rapidly from 300th to 90th in the world rankings and she is getting better and better as time goes on.

“Anna will be one of the youngest competitors. We know she is a great talent and one of the best players in the world for her age.

“I think Anna will go there and have a really positive learning experience and prepare herself to eventually win a medal in 2028 or 2032, which is our goal.

“We want her to continue to develop and ultimately deliver the performances she will deliver in the future.”

Evans also enjoyed a glittering playing career of his own, winning gold at the Belgrave Youth Olympics and being selected to play in the London 2012 Olympics until injury prevented him from playing.

He also won a large number of national titles and became European and world champion. Later he switched to coaching, because injuries started to bother him.

Evans now has the task of developing the stars of the future, with a number of young athletes currently training in the preparatory camp.

He added: “It's inspiring to have so many young athletes with us and it's important to learn what an environment for top performance looks like.

“We really hope that there are athletes who also want to make their dreams come true and ultimately go to the next Olympic Games and be part of a medal-winning team.

“I still get the same adrenaline rush as when I play myself and it's great to be able to share my knowledge with other aspiring players.”

Evans worked with coach John Murphy as part of the Team GB delegation.

David McBeath will also travel to France as a sparring partner, while physio Justin Lucas-Hill will work with the athletes in France.

Evans explained: “The team around the athletes is so crucial. There are so many people who help move the boat in the right direction and ultimately make it row faster.

“We have everything it takes to make an athlete perform and deliver a great performance.

“I am just incredibly grateful to the team that has fully engaged in this process. We share the same ambitions.”




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