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Singapore Fintech Festival 2024 returns with focus on artificial intelligence and quantum technology

Singapore Fintech Festival 2024 returns with focus on artificial intelligence and quantum technology


Singapore, 8 July 2024… The Singapore Fintech Festival (SFF) 2024 will be held for the ninth time from 6-8 November. It will be preceded by the Insights Forum™ from 4-5 November. The Insights Forum™ will foster public-private dialogue to address the challenges of scalable and sustainable technology adoption for global prosperity through concrete commitments from participants. Discussions will be held under the Chatham House Rule, encouraging an open and honest exchange of views. will be held. With over 66,000 participants from 150 countries in 2023, SFF 2024 will bring together global central banks, regulators, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, innovators and influencers to shape the future of the global financial ecosystem through collaboration between regulation, innovation and technology.

2. Organized by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), Yerevandi and Constellar in collaboration with the Association of Banks in Singapore, SFF 2024 will explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and quantum computing in revolutionizing financial services and enabling sustainable and inclusive economic growth. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change, SFF 2024 will also focus on the role of fintech in driving sustainable finance.

3. With rapid advances in AI and unprecedented investments by businesses and governments, SFF 2024 will host regulators and industry dialogues to promote further alignment of policy approaches that can create an environment that fosters AI innovation and adoption. SFF 2024 also aims for strong international public-private collaboration to foster the development of a responsible AI ecosystem in financial services and ensure that AI brings transparency, trust, and inclusion to the financial ecosystem.

4. With global public investment in quantum technologies exceeding USD 42 billion, SFF 2024 will also put the spotlight on quantum computing, highlighting the urgency of leveraging this groundbreaking technology to improve financial services performance, future-proof cryptography and optimize efficiency. The festival will also highlight the challenges of applying quantum systems and their impact on the financial services technology stack.

5. Sopnendu Mohanty, Chief Fintech Officer, MAS and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Yerevandi said, “The financial services sector is at a critical inflection point, with AI and quantum computing poised to revolutionize the global financial ecosystem. The SFF 2024 seeks to align technology, innovation and regulation to ensure that these transformative technologies are deployed with strategic foresight, collaboration and adaptability, unlocking new opportunities for economic and industrial growth and resilience. Harmonizing global fintech regulations to support innovation, fostering cross-border collaboration on payments and credit, and ensuring a secure, inclusive and sustainable financial ecosystem enabled by the responsible adoption of AI and quantum technologies will be the key focuses of SFF 2024.”

6. SFF will also feature the following highlights:

Invitation-only dialogues and signature side events such as the Insights Forum™ will bring together 1,500 senior policymakers, top industry executives and investors for leadership dialogue and collaboration. The forum, which will take place at the Sands Expo & Convention Centre on 4th and 5th November, aims to foster discussions to align key stakeholders on the conditions necessary to grow and enable the application of AI, quantum computing and other cutting-edge technologies to industry. The Insights Forum™ will host the Asia-Pacific chapter of The Capital Meets Policy Dialogue™, bringing together senior policymakers and leaders from both the private and public sectors to discuss solutions to the most pressing issues in capital investment, value creation and policymaking. This year, the Global FinTech Hackcelerator, hosted by MAS in partnership with Elevandi, will explore innovative solutions to address a problem statement centred around improving financial integrity.Up to 20 finalists will be shortlisted and paired with a Corporate Champion – a team from a financial institution or organization who will mentor the finalists during Hackcelerator and work to refine and contextualize their solutions – to present their solutions at SFF's Demo Day on 6 November. All finalists will receive a cash grant of S$20,000 and a startup kiosk at SFF to showcase their solutions. The top three winners will be announced at a gala on 7 November and will each win a cash prize of S$50,000. Find out more here. The Blockchain Guardians Programme is a new skills-based learning initiative that will launch on 2 September 2024. Launched by Elevandi Education, the 10-week program will address the growing talent demand and skills gap in the areas of digital assets, data and compliance in both the public and private sectors. The program is jointly organized by Web3 and digital asset industry stakeholders and will include online courses, mentorship, industry experiences, and more. It will conclude with a ceremony to award digital certificates to 30 graduates at the SFF Talent Zone. Five thematic zones – Technology Zone, ESG Zone, Regulatory Zone, Founders & Investors Zone and Talent Zone – will allow attendees to take part in dialogues and workshops, as well as explore an international showcase of the latest FinTech solutions. It will also introduce mentorship sessions focused on founders and investors, masterclasses such as the art of storytelling, a spotlight on women entrepreneurs, mental health and wellness workshops, and an alumni meetup for past participants of Founder Peak™ at the Founders & Investors Zone. SFF Meetup For more information on SFF Meetup, please visit It is a new networking initiative and is expected to facilitate 20,000 meetings at the festival, with half of the exhibition hall dedicated to one-on-one simultaneous meetings. SFF Meetups help individuals and organizations effectively meet, collaborate, conduct business, foster new partnerships, and promote growth opportunities.

SFF 2024 to foster agility, innovation, inspiration and connection

7. Paul Lee, CEO (Market), Constellar said, “As the premier platform for hosting the world's largest annual gathering of the fintech community, SFF aspires to become a truly global marketplace. This year, we plan to expand to more than 40 international pavilions representing 30 countries, together with regional and local associations and industry partners. We will also launch SFF MeetUp, a first for Asia, and a first for the festival, showcasing a transformative technology-based networking experience that is proven to provide attendees with at least five times more efficient and effective engagement opportunities. By facilitating market access and expanding the festival's collaboration potential, SFF 2024 will play a key role in facilitating connections between leading industry players, regional trade visitors, innovators and startups, fostering the growth of the fintech ecosystem on an unprecedented scale.”

8. Registration for SFF 2024 is now open at Free passes are available for policymakers, regulators, think tanks, academics, programmers and students. Discounted tickets are also available for startups.





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