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JD Vance Backs Trump's Call for Special Prosecutor Against Biden

JD Vance Backs Trump's Call for Special Prosecutor Against Biden
JD Vance Backs Trump's Call for Special Prosecutor Against Biden


Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, a potential running mate for former President Donald J. Trump, said Sunday that he supports Mr. Trump’s promise, if he wins in November, to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate President Biden.

“I find it interesting how the media and the Democrats have lost their minds over that particular quote,” Vance said on NBC News, referring to Trump’s declaration that he would appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family.

“I think Donald Trump is simply saying that we need to investigate the previous administration,” Vance said. “There are clearly many instances of wrongdoing. The House Oversight Committee has identified a number of corrupt business dealings that may or may not be criminal. Of course, you have to investigate to find out. So I think Donald Trump is absolutely right to say, ‘Look, let’s do the basic work of investigating wrongdoing.’”

He added that Joe Biden has done just that in recent years, and has done much more to engage in a campaign of legal warfare against his political opposition.

This is misleading. There is no evidence that Mr. Biden was involved in prosecutorial decisions by his Justice Department, which traditionally makes such decisions independently of the White House. Mr. Trump wants to end that independence.

The charge of corrupt business dealings appears to refer to the House Oversight Committee’s search for evidence of impeachable conduct by Mr. Biden, which it has not found. The committee has sought to link Mr. Biden to his son Hunter’s business dealings, but much of the purported evidence it has presented has been taken out of context.

NBC anchor Kristen Welker pressed Vance to support the creation of a special prosecutor. “If Joe Biden doesn’t have the right to weaponize the Justice Department, as you say, which is unproven, why does Donald Trump have the right to do that?” she asked.

Mr. Vance, like many Republicans, pointed to the fact that a former official in Mr. Biden’s Justice Department worked as a prosecutor in the New York case in which Mr. Trump was convicted of 34 felonies.

“If Donald Trump’s attorney general had asked his number two or his number three to join a local prosecutor’s office in Ohio or Wisconsin, and then that person went after Donald Trump’s political opposition, that would be a different conversation,” he said. “All he’s suggesting is that we should investigate credible allegations of wrongdoing. That’s all Donald Trump is saying. This is not a threat to democracy.”

Mr. Trump has repeatedly called for the prosecution of his political opponents and said last month that revenge can sometimes be justified. A week ago, he shared posts on his social media site advocating the imprisonment of prominent Democrats and Republicans who had criticized him, including one who said former Representative Liz Cheney, an anti-Trump Republican, should face televised military tribunals.

Mr. Vance did not explain how last week’s Supreme Court ruling that presidents enjoy substantial immunity from prosecution might affect his and Mr. Trump’s desire to have a special prosecutor investigate Mr. Biden.




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