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News – Hockey NSW

News – Hockey NSW
News – Hockey NSW


Hockey NSW is pleased to announce that it has appointed leading sports administrator Matthew Bulkeley as its next CEO. Matthew will commence the role of CEO on 19 August 2024.

Matthew has held CEO and senior leadership roles in major sporting organisations and is a proven seasoned leader of over 30 years. He joins Hockey NSW following one of his most recent appointments as CEO of Football Tasmania, where he grew commercial revenue to $700,000 in a three-year period (including during a period of COVID), and secured over $55 million in infrastructure from all levels of government.

Hockey NSW Chair Adriana Care said Hockey NSW received an overwhelming number of high calibre candidates and Mr Bulkeley was selected from among them.

“We are excited to attract an executive with Matthew’s extensive experience, talent and energy as we prepare for a year-end packed with activities to deliver a strong year for Hockey NSW in 2025.

Matthew's excellent track record of growing participation at a local level, working with government at all levels and implementing strategies around infrastructure and growth, as well as his superior commercial acumen, make him the perfect candidate to lead Hockey NSW into a new era.

'Matthew really understands the importance of supporting local and regional clubs and associations, which are the lifeblood of our sport, to build capacity and promote junior development. He has achieved strong results in these areas across cricket and football, including the roll-out of small and non-traditional formats, along with club and volunteer development and recognition programmes.

“Matthew is also adept at delivering great commercial results, including corporate and government partnerships and securing major events. That expertise will be of enormous value to Hockey NSW,” Ms Care said.

Matthew Bulkeley said his passion lies in helping more people benefit from the improved mental, physical and social outcomes that can be achieved through participating in sport at any level.

'I have always been a big believer in creating a safe and inclusive environment so that all participants can have fun, stay engaged and reach their full potential. That is how you build and retain participants and members, especially young people.

'Hockey is an accessible sport that can be played by people of all ages and levels, so there is huge potential for growth.

'I am really looking forward to working with the Hockey NSW team, the board and the wider hockey community to continue the development and growth of hockey across NSW'

Adriana Care praised the work of Acting CEO Richard Griffiths, who has taken up a new role at Hockey NSW as Chief Operating Officer starting next month. Richard’s efforts and engagement with stakeholders, staff and the board have helped Hockey NSW to continue through to 2024. Richard looks forward to continuing to work with his colleagues, the board and Mr Bulkeley.

Richard is a skilled and dedicated leader who continues to make an outstanding contribution to Hockey NSW. I have enjoyed working closely with him over the past five months and I look forward to Richard working alongside Matthew as a key part of our senior leadership team.'

Adrian Care
Hockey NSW




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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