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Shelby Bicycle Days Expands Entertainment Activities

Shelby Bicycle Days Expands Entertainment Activities


SHELBY The Singing Sisters of sorel and a mechanical bull are among the many new entertainment additions featured in this year's edition. Shelby Bike Days Festival.

The trio of Lexington natives, who finished fourth on season 23 of NBC's “The Voice,” will perform Friday at the Black Fork Commons Amphitheatre at 8:30 p.m.

Katlyn Niese, co-chair of Bicycle Days 2024, said she was excited to include the talented local sisters in this year's festival.

“It’s going to be really cool and we hope it brings a lot of people downtown to enjoy the music and bring it all together,” she said.

Another new feature at this year's festival is an inflatable mechanical bull.

Niese said the festival committee has listened to feedback about expanding the types of inflatables available to older audiences during Bike Days.

“People like adults and teenagers, they can enjoy it (the inflatable bull) a little bit more,” she said.

“We want the festival to be fun for all ages. We really do our best,” Niese said.

Katlyn Niese, Bicycle Days 2024 co-chair, speaks to the Rotary Club of Shelby at last year's festival. Richland Source file photo. Credit: Hayden Gray

Meet at the main city center on Friday at 11am

Shelby Bicycle Days 2024 kicks off with main stadium opening Friday at 11 a.m.

The downtown area, open until 10 p.m., features a variety of food trucks and non-food vendors, as well as illuminated letters. New to this year's festival, the illuminated letters provide an opportunity to take selfies or group photos at the end of the main downtown area.

Shelby Rotary Club members will have the opportunity to enjoy lunch with festival vendors at noon.

Starting Friday, kids can begin filling out their Kids Passport for a chance to win a Target gift card. Participating kids must complete at least three of the six kids activities throughout the two-day festival to be entered into the drawing.

A dance performance by The Melody Within will take place at the Black Fork Commons Amphitheatre at 3 p.m. Friday. Michael Mage the Magician will follow at 4:30 p.m.

Inflatables will be available at Black Fork Commons from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Near the parking lot along the old Skiles lot, kids can explore a variety of security service vehicles at 6 p.m. during the community touch-a-truck event.

Festival attendees can learn more about Shelby bicycles at the Shelby Bicycle Museum's open house on Friday from 6 to 9 p.m.

Niese said 2024 marks the 99th anniversary of the Shelby Cycle Company.

A child smiles after winning an award at last year's Shelby Bicycle Days festival. Richland Source file photo. Credit Hayden Gray

Experts will be available at the Shelby Justice Center, 31 Mack Ave., to answer questions and offer guided tours.

Live music by Sorell at 8:30 p.m. will close out the festival's opening night in the Black Fork Commons Amphitheatre.

A bike tour and a farmers market mark the start of the second day of the festival

Saturday's activities begin with the 12th annual Lindy Flyer Community Bike Tour at 8:30 a.m. Participants can join the ongoing event any time before 1:30 p.m.

The free tour offers four looped routes through the historic community and surrounding farmland. Event and Route Information can be downloaded online.

A variety of vendors will be open Saturday during the Shelby Farmers Market, from 9 a.m. to noon near the downtown Log Cabin. Tours of the Shelby Bicycle Museum resume from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Shelby Justice Center.

The main centre will be open to festival-goers from 11am to 11pm on Saturday, as well as the marquee letters from 11am to 10pm.

Inflatables, including a mechanical bull, will be available from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. at Black Fork Commons.

Saturday includes several cycling-focused activities

A kids' bike workshop and bike decorating contest are scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday at the Seltzer Park tennis courts, located near the intersection of Mansfield Avenue and Parkwood Drive.

Kristen Wasilewski, co-chair of Bicycle Days 2024, said this year's festival will also offer kids the opportunity to register their bikes, similar to registering a car.

Sponsored by the Shelby Fraternal Order of Police, a database system will be created with the assistance of the Shelby Police Department.

“Bikes get lost, bikes get stolen, so there’s something to support that now, hopefully to take that stress off of kids and families,” Wasilewski said.

The annual Bicycle Days parade, which will take place along Main Street and Gamble Street, will begin at 2 p.m.

Following the parade will be the Whiz Bang Science Show, new this year, in the Black Fork Commons Amphitheater. Additionally, the Shelby Help Line Pie Auction will begin after the parade at the Central Park Bandstand.

A mini-ray challenge for children will be offered to compete at 5 p.m. on the green space that was once home to Skiles Field.

Live music in the amphitheatre at 7:30 p.m. will lead into Saturday night's grand finale, a fireworks display on the Skiles lawn, which will begin around dusk.

This year's exhibit is sponsored by ArcelorMittal and Shelby Fraternal Order of Eagles #763.

The full list of Shelby Bicycle Days 2024 events and sponsors can also be viewed can be found on the Shelby CIC website.

Second phase of voting for the Children's King and Queen Competition takes place from July 7 to 11 at 6 p.m. via Facebook.

Local youth ride down Main Street during the 2023 Shelby Bicycle Days parade. Richland Source file photo. Credit: Hayden Gray

Wasilewski said the Bike Days committee is looking to build on the success of the festival each year, while looking for new ways to entertain.

“We appreciate that feedback and we appreciate the people who are willing to help us in the planning process,” she said. “It’s not just a few brains, it’s a team of brains.”

“We’re just grateful for the support of our community… our businesses and our partnerships, because without them we wouldn’t be able to put on the great events that we have,” Wasilewski said.

It is community investment that made this report possible. Independent local news from Shelby and northern Richland County is brought to you in part through the generous support of Phillips Tube Group, RS production line, ArcelorMittal, Lloyd rebars, Hess IndustriesAnd Shelby Printing.




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