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“We don't know what causes asbestos-related cancer.”

“We don't know what causes asbestos-related cancer.”
“We don't know what causes asbestos-related cancer.”


by Catherine Stanchyshyn, Presenter, BBC Radio WMOprah Flash, BBC News, West Midlands

Emily Jane Scandrett Emily Jane ScandrettEmily Jane Scandrett

Emily Jane Scandrett had suffered excruciating chest pains for months before she was diagnosed.

A mother who was diagnosed with a rare cancer linked to asbestos exposure wants to raise awareness of the disease, which went undetected for more than a year.

Emily Jane Scandrett has pleural mesothelioma, a disease that most commonly affects men over 75 years of age.

Despite numerous tests, the diagnosis went undiagnosed for 17 months, including during her pregnancy.

The 41-year-old woman, from Tamworth, says she has no idea when she came into contact with the substance, which was found in a building built before 2000, and is urging health workers and potential patients to be more aware of the symptoms.

Emily Jane Scandrett Emily Jane Scandrett is in hospitalEmily Jane Scandrett

So far, she has undergone six rounds of immunotherapy.

Scandrett said she began feeling a “numbing” pain in her chest in May 2022, five weeks into her second pregnancy.

“I felt like I had been stabbed in my rib cage and it spread down my chest, shoulder and right arm,” she told BBC Radio WM.

She was hospitalised four times but said she did not realise the seriousness of her situation as several scans and blood tests came back normal.

On October 31st last year, nine months after giving birth to her son, she was told her cancer was incurable.

“I'm living my life.”

Her disease is incurable, but she has undergone six cycles of immunotherapy to manage her symptoms.

“I had heard of asbestos but never really thought about it,” she said.

“My body didn't choose to inhale asbestos, it just happened to be the case and there needs to be more awareness from the public and medical professionals about the dangers.”

“I'm so lucky to still be here and living my life.”

Shutterstock People walking by an asbestos signShutterstock

The mother has no idea when or where her child may have come into contact with asbestos and is calling for the asbestos to be removed from the school.

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), asbestos is the leading cause of work-related deaths in the UK.

It was widely used as an insulation material in the construction of schools and public buildings until it was banned in 1999 due to health concerns.

An estimated 87,000 public buildings still contain the hazardous material, according to a study by law firm Irwin Mitchell.

The teachers' union, NASUWT, It would take 400 years to rebuild every school in the country. Based on the government's current programs.

Restructuring plan “unacceptable”

Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include shortness of breath, dry cough, and chest pain.

When asbestos is inhaled, the fibers can embed themselves in the pleura (the inner lining of the lungs) and cause inflammation and scarring, which over time can lead to the development of mesothelioma tumors.

More than 2,700 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma in the UK each year, according to NHS data.

Mrs Scanlett and her husband took part in a walking marathon across Worcestershire on Saturday to raise funds for two charities, Mesothelioma UK and Asbestos Support Central England.

She said more needs to be done to remove asbestos from the building.

“Current plans for rebuilding England mean it will take more than 400 years to remove all asbestos from schools and hospitals. This is completely unacceptable,” she said.




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