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CSIRO partners with Google to prototype grid-shaping inverter – pv magazine India

CSIRO partners with Google to prototype grid-shaping inverter – pv magazine India


Scientists from Australia's national science agency and Google's power research and development division have developed a new smart inverter that is almost twice as fast and about 50% more efficient than existing commercially available inverters.

July 8, 2024 David Carroll

From Australia's pv magazine

A team of scientists at Tapestry, part of the CSIRO and Google X Innovation Hub, have created a prototype of an advanced grid-shaping inverter that they say is faster and more responsive than current inverters, and could accelerate the transition to renewable energy.

Based on embedded intelligence technology used in electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous drones, the new prototype inverter includes signal detection and signal filtering hardware, as well as grid formation and microgrid software, CSIRO said.

The scientists said this would allow the inverter to communicate with other devices on the grid, such as solar panels, batteries and traditional generators, to more accurately detect voltages and currents and then use that information to stabilise the grid.

CSIRO energy systems research director John Ward said this capability would be crucial as coal- and gas-fired generators are withdrawn from the system and more dynamic and unpredictable renewable resources, such as solar and wind, join the grid.

He said that unlike traditional inverters, which aren't as smart, grid-forming inverters can communicate with the grid and know exactly when to boost power supply.

The team says that in laboratory tests, their prototype has demonstrated that it can work with devices across the power grid to maintain stability, reduce manufacturing costs by 50%, and do not compromise efficiency. The laptop-sized prototype is capable of producing 300 kW of power, equivalent to the capacity of 164 currently available inverters.

Leo Casey, principal scientist at Tapestry, which designed the smart inverter prototype, said the increased capacity comes from a shift from the silicon used in traditional inverters to silicon carbide, which can withstand higher operating temperatures and voltages than silicon-based devices, potentially leading to cost savings.

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“We've designed an inverter that is about 50 percent more energy dense, about 50 percent faster in response time and 99 percent efficient, at about half the cost of conventional commercial inverters,” he said.

The next phase of the project will involve partnering with an electricity distribution company to explore opportunities to deploy the inverters on-site and test how well they perform in a real-world environment.

CSIRO Smart Energy Mission Lead Stephen Craig said he expected third parties such as distribution grid operators and virtual power plant operators to be interested in the technology, as grid-forming inverter technology will be essential for managing the flow of renewable energy into the traditional power grid to avoid oversupply, meet demand and eliminate blackouts.

He said Australia currently has a wealth of renewable energy, but much of it is going to waste because of a failure to harness it effectively. In the future, the grid will need technology to improve stability, increase efficiency, integrate energy storage and enable remote monitoring and control.

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