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Management SDK | Integration Connectors | Google Cloud

Management SDK | Integration Connectors | Google Cloud



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The Admin SDK connector allows you to perform operations supported by the Admin SDK.

Before you begin

Before you can use the Admin SDK connector, complete the following tasks:

In your Google Cloud project, grant the roles/connectors.admin IAM role to the user who will configure the connector. Grant the following IAM roles to the service account used for the connector: roles/secretmanager.viewer roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor

A service account is a special type of Google account that is intended to represent a non-human user that must be authenticated and authorized to access data in Google APIs. If you don't have a service account, you'll need to create one. For more information, see Creating a service account.

Enable the following services: (Secret Manager API) (Connectors API)

For information about how to enable a service, see Enabling a Service.

If these services or permissions have not been previously enabled for the project, you will be prompted to enable them when configuring the Connector.

If you are using service account authentication instead of OAuth 2.0 authentication, ensure that the service account has the appropriate permissions. For more information, see IAM Roles and Permissions. Configure the Connector

To configure a connector, you need to create a connection to your data source (your back-end system). A connection is specific to a data source, which means that if you have many data sources, you need to create a separate connection for each data source. To create a connection, follow these steps:

In the Cloud console, go to the Integration Connectors > Connections page and select or create a Google Cloud project.

Go to the connection page

[+ 新規作成]Click[接続の作成]Open the page.[場所]section, select the location of the connection.[リージョン]: Select a location from the drop-down list.

For a complete list of supported regions, see Locations.

Click Next. In the Connection Details section, configure the following fields: Connector: Select Admin SDK from the drop-down list of available connectors. Connector Version: Select the connector version from the drop-down list of available versions. In the Connection Name field, enter a name for the connection instance.

The connection name must:

A connection name can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens. Letters must be lowercase. A connection name must start with a letter and end with a letter or number. A connection name cannot exceed 63 characters. Optionally, enter a description of the connection instance. Optionally, if you want to log details about the connector execution,[クラウド ログの有効化]Select a service account that has the required role. Service Account: Select a service account that has the required role. Optionally, configure the connection node settings: Minimum Nodes: Enter the minimum number of connection nodes. Maximum Nodes: Enter the maximum number of connection nodes.

A node is a unit (or replica) of a connection that processes transactions. To process more transactions in a connection, more nodes are required, and conversely, to process fewer transactions, fewer nodes are required. To understand how nodes affect the price of a connector, see Connection Node Pricing. If you don't enter a value, by default, the minimum nodes are set to 2 (for higher availability) and the maximum nodes are set to 50.

Note: Customizing the connection node value is available only for pay-as-you-go customers. Optionally,[+ ラベルの追加]Click to add labels to the connection in the form of key-value pairs.[次へ]Click.[認証]In the Enter Authentication Details section, select the authentication type and enter the relevant details.

You can choose one of the following authentication types:

OAuth 2.0 Service Account

For information about how to configure these authentication types, see Configuring Authentication.

[次へ]Click Verify: Verify your connection and authentication details.[作成]Click Configure Authentication

Enter the details based on the authentication you want to use.

OAuth 2.0 Client ID: The client ID required to connect to the backend Google service. Scope: Enter the required OAuth 2.0 scopes, separated by commas. To view all OAuth 2.0 scopes supported by the required Google service, see the relevant section of the Google APIs OAuth 2.0 Scopes page. Client Secret: Select the Secret Manager secret that contains the password associated with your client secret. Secret Version: Select the secret version. Service Account

Select this option to authenticate using the service account you specified in the previous step when configuring this connection. Ensure that the service account has been provided with the relevant IAM role and permissions required for authentication.

Scopes: Enter the required access scopes, separated by commas. For more information, see Access scopes. Actions

This connector provides an abstraction layer over the objects of the connected backend service. The objects in the backend can only be accessed through this abstraction. The abstractions are exposed as actions. Actions are first-class functions available to your integrations through the connector interface. Actions allow you to make changes to your entities. Actions vary by connector; however, it is possible that a connector does not support actions, in which case the actions list will be empty.

Note: You can view the connector's actions in Connector Tasks. Use an Admin SDK connection in an integration

After you create a connection, it becomes available for use in an application integration. You can use a connection in an integration through a connector task.

If you have questions or would like to discuss this connector, please post in the Cloud forums in the Google Cloud Community.




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