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Hoxton Farm, Melt & Marble and IO pitch alternative fat innovations

Hoxton Farm, Melt & Marble and IO pitch alternative fat innovations


Oils and fats are important ingredients that improve the taste, texture and even appearance of food.

But how tropical oils and animal fats are sourced regularly comes under scrutiny: can new technologies mitigate deforestation and animal welfare concerns?

Join us at Climate Smart Food 2024 to meet three innovators who are rethinking oils and production in the lab.

On Thursday 26 September, three startups will present their innovations in a session called Chewing the Fat. We will hear from:

Max Jamilly, co-founder of Hoxton Farms, a UK startup developing cell-cultured fats, Anastasia Krivoruchko, co-founder and CEO of Melt&Marble, a Swedish startup using precision fermentation to rethink fat production, and Mary-Liss Kutt, chief innovation officer at IO, an Estonian startup developing alternatives to palm oil and animal fats.Who else will be speaking at Climate Smart Food?

Over three days in September (24-26), expert speakers will take to the digital stage to discuss all things related to sustainability in food production. Registration is now open for this free event.

So who exactly is in the cast? We're looking forward to welcoming:

Marco Botta, General Manager, Ferrero Hazelnut Company, Jussi Loponen, VP Group R&D and Head of Fazer Lab, Didier Toubia, CEO, Aleph Farms, Sharon Bligh, Director of Health & Sustainability at Consumer Goods Forum, Alice Pilkington, Senior Global Food & Beverage Analyst at Mintel, Eva Somers, CEO, Fermify, Romain Zanna Bellegarde, Head of Loop France, Aisha Stenning, Plastics Programme Manager, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Cliona Howie, CEO, Foundation Earth, Mpumuzi Sukathi, Senior Nutrition and Food Systems Officer at FAO, and many moreWhat's on the programme?

September 24th: Decarbonizing the supply chain

Food giants are under increasing pressure to eradicate irresponsible practices from their raw materials supply chains. But voluntary measures have so far not worked for the industry, and policymakers are stepping in. While Europe scrambles to comply with new regulations, rising global temperatures are hitting the production of key commodities cocoa, coffee and sugar. Can decarbonization efforts be rooted at the source before it's too late?

Day 1 of Climate Smart Food will cover:

Preparing for the EUDR: Is Europe ready to regulate deforestation? Future-proofing cocoa, coffee and sugar against climate change Instilling sustainability in food supply chains: challenges and opportunities

September 25th: Sustainable production from farm to table

Ensuring sustainable nutrition from farm to fork requires big changes. In the pursuit of resource efficiency, the agricultural sector is rethinking farming practices for the 21st century. And AgTech is not the only one promising to make this happen. Food waste and upcycling are also on the radar of food manufacturers, with the aim of adding value. But sustainability comes at a high cost, and someone has to foot the bill. With a cost of living crisis, can consumers afford to eat environmentally friendly food?

Upcycling Raw Materials: Risks and Opportunities to Turn Trash into Treasure Food Waste: Tips and Tricks to Solve a Trillion-Dollar Problem AgTech Solutions Promise to Make Food Production More Resilient Sponsored by

September 26: New Technologies and Novel Materials for a Sustainable Future

Technological innovations, including those tackling packaging waste, are expected to make a major contribution to reducing carbon emissions, as are new ingredients that have the power to significantly improve the sustainability of everyday products. But not all innovations are on the market, and pioneers may struggle to reach the regulatory stage due to limited investor budgets. What new ingredients and technologies will help truly transform what and how we eat?

Day 3 of Climate Smart Food will cover:

Decoding packaging: innovative solutions for a circular economyThe potential of meat-dairy hybridsBuilding markets for new ingredients: from stem cells to microbes to food from air

Do you have time on your calendar September 24-26? The event is free to attend and registration is open. We look forward to seeing you on the digital stage.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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