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What will he discuss with Vladimir Putin? Firstpost

What will he discuss with Vladimir Putin? Firstpost
What will he discuss with Vladimir Putin? Firstpost


In February 2022, the war between Russia and Ukraine broke out, putting the region and the global order at risk. Today, two years after the war began, as other countries try to mediate between Moscow and Kiev, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in Russia for a two-day visit (July 8-9) for the 22nd annual India-Russia summit that will review the multifaceted ties between the two countries.

After Russia, Modi will begin a historic trip to Austria, marking the first visit by an Indian prime minister to the country in 41 years, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said.

The Kremlin has said that Prime Minister Modi's very important and comprehensive visit will be viewed with jealousy by the West. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “They (the West) are jealous, which means that they are following the visit closely. Their close monitoring means that they attach great importance to it. And they are not mistaken, there is reason to attach great importance to it.”

But what is expected from this important visit? What is on the agenda of the discussions between the two world leaders? And what is the importance of this meeting?

Modi and Putin meet

Last month, the Kremlin announced that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi would travel to Russia to meet President Vladimir Putin. It would be the first visit by the Indian prime minister to Russia since the start of the war. The two leaders, Vladimir Putin and Narendra Modi, last met in Russia in 2019, in the far eastern port of Vladivostok. The two leaders also met in person in September 2022 in Uzbekistan, at a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Before leaving New Delhi, Prime Minister Modi said in a statement, “I am on an official visit to the Russian Federation for the 22nd Annual Summit and my first ever visit to the Republic of Austria in the next three days. I look forward to reviewing all aspects of bilateral cooperation with my friend President Vladimir Putin and sharing my views on various regional and global issues. We seek to play a supportive role for a peaceful and stable region.”

In Moscow, Modi will attend a private dinner hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin. He is also expected to meet with the Indian community in Russia. Prime Minister Modi will also lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Kremlin and visit an exhibition in Moscow.

From Russia, Modi will travel to Austria where he will meet Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen and hold talks with Chancellor Karl Nehammer.

Read also : Modi and Putin's first bilateral meeting in nearly three years is all about timing. Here's why

Discussions galore

Before his visit to Moscow, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: VGTRKA Russian state TV channel said Modi's schedule in Moscow will be extensive and the two leaders may hold informal talks.

“It is obvious that the agenda will be very busy, if not overloaded. It will be an official visit and we hope that the leaders will also be able to talk informally. We expect a very important and comprehensive visit, which is so crucial for Russian-Indian relations,” Peskov said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi boards flight to Moscow from New Delhi. PTI

He added that since Russia-India relations are at the level of a strategic partnership, there would be both one-on-one discussions in the Kremlin and discussions involving delegations.

Clarifying before Prime Minister Modi's departure, External Affairs Minister Vinay Kwatra had said that issues of regional and global interest would be on the agenda of the talks between Prime Minister Modi and President Vladimir Putin.

Asked about the possibility of discussing the ongoing war, Mr. Kwatra said: “In all previous summits, even in the meeting on the sidelines of the Samarkand meeting in 2022, issues of regional and global importance of the two countries have always been discussed by the two leaders. You know very well what the Prime Minister said when he referred to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine in Samarkand.”

According to a report by The HinduOfficial and delegation-level discussions will focus on resolving trade and banking challenges due to Western sanctions, the possibility of more predictable prices and long-term contracts for Indian energy imports of oil and LNG, investment opportunities, as well as connectivity projects such as the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), the Chennai-Vladivostok Sea Route and the Northern Sea Corridor.

In addition, the trade imbalance between the two countries will also be at the centre of discussions. In 2023-24, Indian exports to Russia were valued at $4 billion. However, Indian imports have reached nearly $60 billion. This is a major aspect that will be looked at, Kwatra also said at a press briefing. When asked how this issue would be addressed, he said efforts should be made to increase India's exports. We will try to ensure that India's exports increase as quickly as possible, so that the trade imbalance can be corrected soon, he said.

Reports citing officials also said that the Chennai-Vladivostok sea route would also be on the agenda of Modi-Putin talks. For those unaware, the Chennai-Vladivostok route covers a distance of about 5,600 nautical miles, or about 10,300 km. Once operational, it will enable faster transportation of goods between India and Russia, reducing the travel time from the current 40 days to 24 days.

Besides trade talks, discussions on defence ties will also take place. The Financial Express reported that Putin and Modi will discuss the supply chain and production issues that led to the delay in the delivery of the S-400 Triumf air defence system. In 2018, the two countries had signed an agreement to purchase five squadrons of the S-400 air defence system, with India receiving three, and the remaining two expected in the next 12-24 months.

There is also talk that Modi's visit will also provide an opportunity for the two leaders to discuss opportunities for joint space missions.

The issue of Indians in the Russian military will also be discussed, as Modi will push for early release or even a complete waiver of procedures for those who wish to return, as soon as possible, the report said. The Hindu.

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As PM Modi leaves for Russia next week, military aviation remains biggest Indo-Russian hug

Importance of Modi-Putin visit

The Modi-Putin visit will be closely watched not only by Indian geopolitical experts but also by people across the world as it holds great significance. First of all, the visit comes even as the war between Russia and Ukraine continues. India has maintained a tight balance between the two nations, refusing to take sides, with Prime Minister Modi reaching out to both leaders and urging for some resolution between the two. In 2022, Modi had also said that the current era is not one of war.

Interestingly, during Modi's visit to Russia, the heads of state and government of NATO countries will meet for a summit from July 9 to 11 in Washington. This has raised questions about the signal Modi is sending to the world about New Delhi's stand on the war. However, Kwatra dismissed any link and said Modi's visit was part of the summit schedule between the two countries. The bilateral visit this time is just a planning priority that we have undertaken and that is what it is, he told reporters at a briefing.

Some experts believe that Prime Minister Modi's visit to Moscow is an attempt to send a message to China, which has been moving closer to Moscow in recent times. File image/AP

Some experts believe that Modi's visit to Moscow could also help improve Putin's image on the international stage. Currently, the Russian leader's trips abroad are very limited due to the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court for actions related to the war in Ukraine.

According to Theresa Fallon, an analyst at the Center for Russian, European and Asian Studies, quoted by AP, Putin has been on a nostalgic trip. He was in Vietnam, he was in North Korea. In my opinion, he is trying to demonstrate that he is not a vassal of China, that he has options, that Russia is still a great power.

Others also believe the visit is an attempt to send a message to China, which has been cozying up to Moscow in recent times. Chietigj Bajpaee, a senior fellow on South Asia at Chatham House in the UK, said: AP India is increasingly distancing itself from forums in which Russia and China play a leading role. This is reflected in India's relatively low-key chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization last year, and now in Modi's decision not to attend this year's summit, Bajpaee said.

It remains to be seen what will happen following Modi's visit to Putin. We will be following this closely.

With contributions from agencies




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