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Karan Johar slams actors over Bollywood crisis, 'asking for Rs 35 crore, opening at Rs 3.5 crore'

Karan Johar slams actors over Bollywood crisis, 'asking for Rs 35 crore, opening at Rs 3.5 crore'
Karan Johar slams actors over Bollywood crisis, 'asking for Rs 35 crore, opening at Rs 3.5 crore'


Since the pandemic, Bollywood has been on a roller coaster ride, trying to regain its former glory. With Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan and Jawan giving the industry a much-needed shot in the arm, it is clear that Bollywood is not at its lowest point yet. However, the road to recovery is far from easy, as Karan Johar recently explained in an insightful and candid conversation with journalist Faye DSouza on his YouTube channel.

“First of all, audience tastes have become very specific. They want a certain type of cinema. And if you (as a filmmaker) want to make a certain number of them, then your film has to be screened in A, B and C centres. Multiplexes alone will not do,” Johar noted, highlighting a problem as old as cinema itself but intensified in today’s fragmented viewing landscape.

In other words, it is no longer enough to make a film that appeals only to urban multiplex audiences. Filmmakers need to create stories that resonate with all audiences in India, from bustling metropolises to remote areas. This shift in taste is like trying to hit a moving target while riding a unicycle blindfolded.

Johar also highlighted the financial tightrope that Bollywood producers have to walk. At the same time, the cost of film production has gone up. There has been inflation. There are about 10 viable actors in Hindi cinema, and they all ask for the sun, the moon and the earth. So, you pay them; then you pay for the film, then comes the marketing expenses. And then your film doesn't do the job. These film stars who ask for Rs 35 crore open at Rs 3.5 crore. How does that calculation work? Johar asked.

It's a classic case of champagne dreams on a beer budget. The Bollywood economy has turned into a high-stakes poker game, where even the aces in your hand can't guarantee a winning pot.

In the case of Hindi cinema, there has been a certain syntax in every decade. Right now, people are saying, 'If Jawan and Pathaan worked, should we do only action?' So everyone is running in that direction. And suddenly, a love story would work. I feel like we are running around like headless chickens. The conviction has taken a big hit, and it is all about herd mentality,” Johar lamented.

This herd mentality is akin to a game of Simon Says gone horribly wrong, with every filmmaker trying to imitate the latest big hit, resulting in a chaotic mix of genres and styles that is more confusing than entertaining.

Johar stressed the importance of creating cinema that is authentically Indian and is not alienating to the small town audience. They also don't want alienating cinema. When you talk about urban syntax and you alienate the tier-2 cities and the complexes of small towns, you don't do that kind of massive business. You can do such urban cinema, but at a cost, he added.

In essence, Bollywood needs to rediscover its soul and tell stories that are both universal and deeply rooted in Indian culture. The challenge is to find a balance between the glitz and glamour of urban tales and the earthy charm of rural narratives.

As Bollywood navigates these turbulent waters, it is clear that the industry must constantly adapt and evolve. With filmmakers like Karan Johar leading the charge, there is hope that Bollywood will find the right balance between commercial success and artistic integrity.




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