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Football to host Texas A&M-Kingsville in 2027

Football to host Texas A&M-Kingsville in 2027
Football to host Texas A&M-Kingsville in 2027


Opponent Pinned on September 4, 2007 Vaqueros (UTRGV vs. Texas A&M-Kingsville)


RIO GRAND VALLEY The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) Intercollegiate Athletics Department announced Monday that the Vaqueros American football team will host Texas A&M-Kingsville on September 4, 2027.

“As we build our schedules for the coming years, it was important to us to ensure that we host the closest college football team outside of the Rio Grande Valley in the spirit of camaraderie,” said UTRGV Vice President and Director of AthleticsConch huntingsaid. “I appreciate athletic director Steve Roach and his willingness to make scheduling this game a priority for our fans. We have a great relationship between departments and coaching staffs. [UTRGV head] coach [Travis] Bush and [Texas A&M-Kingsville head] coach [Michael] Salinas are good friends and have worked together to host multiple camps. This should be a great competition for our teams, our fans, students and alumni.”

$25 for '25

Fans can reserve season tickets with a $25 deposit for the inaugural season of UTRGV football in 2025 at Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable and will be applied toward the purchase of season tickets.

UTRGV Athletics is still finalizing details on ticket pricing and will announce prices in September. The plan is to offer a variety of price points with season tickets starting at $99 to ensure there is something for everyone.

Season tickets include games at Robert and Janet Vackar Stadium. UTRGV will host one game each year at Sams Stadium in Brownsville. Season ticket holders will have the opportunity to purchase tickets to the Brownsville game during the select-a-seat process.

UTRGV Athletics gives priority in choosing seats for the currentV-Clubmembers, season ticket holders of any sport and corporate partners as part of the Vaqueros Loyalty Points program. For more information about Vaqueros Loyalty Points, including answers to frequently asked questions, visit

Fans with questions can contact the UTRGV Athletics ticketing team.Eddie Galvan(956-665-3415) andRyela Rodriguez(956-665-3747) by phone or by email at [email protected].

Future Games

Aug 30 First match ever


September 4 vs. Texas A&M-Kingsville
September 11 @ Texas State


September 14 @ Texas State

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