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Google Trouble: Man rescued after Google Maps suggests shortcut to Utah mountain

Google Trouble: Man rescued after Google Maps suggests shortcut to Utah mountain


A driver ended up being rescued in the mountains of Utah after following a shortcut suggested by Google Maps.

Wasatch County Search and Rescue rescued a stranded driver who followed directions from Google Maps to a remote area of ​​Strawberry Peak. (Wasatch County Search and Rescue)

The 23-year-old man, whose identity has not been released, was found stranded late Thursday night in the Strawberry area. Wasatch County Search and Rescue responded to a late-night emergency call and spent three hours freeing the driver from the stranded spot.

The man was stranded in a Toyota Tercel on the west side of Strawberry Peak. Images taken by rescuers showed the blue vehicle driving along a rough dirt road, highlighting the difficult conditions rescuers faced. They had to use a four-wheel drive vehicle to reach the stranded driver.

Rescue teams said the man made it up the mountain by taking a shortcut recommended by Google Maps.

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According to a social media post from Wasatch County Search and Rescue, the 911 Dispatch Center received a call from a stranded motorist: A 23-year-old man was stranded in a Toyota Tercel west of Strawberry Peak.

This was a shortcut recommended by Google between Springville and Vernal.

The driver was uninjured but needed to be evacuated from the mountain, and a SAR team was called in to assist him, the statement added.

This is not new for Google Maps.

Google Maps has occasionally caused similar problems for drivers in Utah.

Emery County Sheriff Tyson Huntington told ABC4 that his office receives several calls each month from drivers stranded on remote roads in the East Mountains. “We've had an issue where people who are traveling to Utah, when they just type Utah into Google search, they're being directed to this remote area of ​​our county,” he explained.

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Huntington noted that in every case, search and rescue teams successfully extricated the stranded drivers and their vehicles, but the frequency of these incidents led the sheriff's office to contact Google to ask for help resolving the problematic routes.

“We had to take these steps to mitigate this problem, but negotiations with Google to date have been unsuccessful,” Huntington previously said.

Emery County Sheriff is pleased and excited by Google's quick response

In the most serious case, an 18-wheeler towing a trailer got stuck in mud after the GPS led the driver onto a remote road. After that, the sheriff's office and a news outlet contacted Google, who responded quickly.

A Google spokesperson explained the company's map update efforts: “We use multiple sources of information to update our maps, including community contributions, information from local authorities, Street View, and satellite imagery. This route has been updated on our maps and should be visible in the next few days.”

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Huntington responded with a look of relief and satisfaction, saying he was thrilled when Google took action.

Was delighted [travelers] “We're not going to have that issue going forward, we're not going to have any damage to vehicles or have any issues, and we're able to keep our resources in the most populated areas of the county,” he said.




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