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Erdogan calls on Bashar al-Assad to restore ties

Erdogan calls on Bashar al-Assad to restore ties
Erdogan calls on Bashar al-Assad to restore ties


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is due to meet his Syrian counterpart, Bashar al-Assad, in an attempt to reconcile relations between the two neighbouring countries, which have been severe since the start of the Syrian war in 2011. The influx of millions of Syrian refugees into Türkiye has aggravated and intensified relations between Ankara and Damascus.

“We will extend our invitation (to Assad); with this invitation we want to restore relations between Turkey and Syria to the same level as in the past. Our invitation can be extended at any time,” he added. Erdogan said this in a presidential statement on the flight from Berlin where he attended the Netherlands-Turkey Euro 2024 quarter-final match.

<p>Turkish army soldiers stand guard at an observation post as Syrian protesters gather near Ibbin Samaan in the western part of Aleppo province, northern Syria, on July 1, 2024 – AFP/AAREF WATAD</p>
<p>” src=””/><figcaption>Turkish army soldiers stand guard at an observation post as Syrian protesters gather near Ibbin Samaan in the western part of Aleppo province, northern Syria, July 1, 2024<strong> -AFP/AAREF WATAD</strong></figcaption></figure>
<p><strong>Among the conditions set by Syria for reconciliation is the withdrawal of Turkish troops from northwestern Syria, currently controlled by rebels. Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war,</strong> Turkey has carried out several cross-border military operations against militants that Erdogan says threaten its national security and has established a<strong> “safe zone”</strong> in northern Syria, where Turkish troops are currently stationed. </p>
<p>According to UN figures, more than 3.2 million Syrian refugees live in Türkiye.</p>
<p>The Turkish president's meeting in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, could represent<strong> “the beginning of a long process that could lead to political agreements on the ground.”</strong> The presence of China and Russia as observers could be an element to follow in the negotiations. <strong>The Turkish president also mentioned that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iraqi Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al Sudani could help facilitate contacts.</strong>. </p>
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<p>Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani during a meeting in Moscow, Russia October 10, 2023 – PHOTO/IRAQ PRIME MINISTER PRESS OFFICE via REUTERS</p>
<p>” src=””/><figcaption>Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani during a meeting in Moscow, Russia, October 10, 2023<strong> – PHOTO/IRAQ PRIME MINISTER'S PRESS OFFICE via REUTERS</strong></figcaption></figure>
<p>Although relations between Erdogan and Assad have never been friendly, Turkey's military presence in northern Syria, where it supports positions in Aleppo and Idlib, is still quite strong. <strong>This is not the first attempt at reconciliation between Turkey and Syria. </strong></p>
<p>Last year, with Iraq as mediator, Bashar al-Assad was invited to lead negotiations with the aim of bringing positions closer together, particularly in the areas of defense and security. <strong>Some meetings took place in Moscow between the foreign ministers of Turkey, Syria, Russia and Iran, as well as the defense ministers, but none of them achieved their goals.</strong></p>
<p>According to the Turkish daily Sabah, Erdogan's comments on this possible invitation were as follows: <strong>“We have reached a point where, if Bashar al-Assad takes a step towards better relations with Turkey, we will respond with the same openness.”</strong></p>
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<p>Turkey-backed Syrian fighters take part in military training near the town of Marea in Syria's rebel-held northern Aleppo province on August 29, 2023 – AFP/ OMAR HAJ KADOUR</p>
<p>” src=””/><figcaption>Turkey-backed Syrian fighters take part in military training near the town of Marea in the northern part of Syria's rebel-held Aleppo province on August 29, 2023. <strong>-AFP/OMAR HAJ KADOUR</strong></figcaption></figure>
<p><strong>According to Al-Ain,</strong> Advisor to the Presidency of the Syrian Council of Ministers, <strong>Abdoul Qader Azouz, </strong>confirmed that Erdogan's invitation will be essential <strong>” turn the page ” </strong>and to overcome the differences between the two countries. Azouz insisted that reconciliation is in Turkey's hands. </p>
<p>He added that <strong>“Syria supports all resolutions and efforts based on strict respect for international law and commitment to good neighborly relations.”</strong> He clarified that the intention to hold the meeting in Baghdad is due to the fact that the two countries – Syria and Iraq – share instability on their borders with the rest of the neighboring countries, as well as their interest in normalizing relations in the Middle East region. </p>
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