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A four-day workweek trial in the UK's largest public sector shows huge benefits | Study finds | The four-day workweek

A four-day workweek trial in the UK's largest public sector shows huge benefits | Study finds | The four-day workweek
A four-day workweek trial in the UK's largest public sector shows huge benefits | Study finds | The four-day workweek


The largest-ever public sector pilot of a four-day workweek in the UK has resulted in fewer waste collectors quitting, faster planning decisions, quicker benefits processing and faster phone calls being answered, independent research has found.

Academics from the universities of Cambridge and Salford have analysed productivity before and during the 15-month trial and found that South Cambridgeshire District Council's controversial shortened working week trial saw performance improve in 11 of 24 areas, little change in 11 areas and worsening in two areas.

The trial, run by a Lib Dem-controlled body, has sparked a furious response from the Conservative government, with one minister telling the borough leader Bridget Smith to stop it immediately, complaining it was not providing value for money for local taxpayers.

Anthony Browne, a former Conservative local councillor whose party lost to the Liberal Democrats in last week's general election, attacked the trial as an ideological crusade.

A multi-year study involving about 450 office workers and waste collectors found:

Employee turnover was reduced by 39%, resulting in $371,500 in annual savings, most of which came from staffing costs.

The regular household planning application was decided about a week and a half ago.

Compared to previous years, major planning application decisions were completed within the correct time frame approximately 15% more often.

We've reduced the time it takes to process changes to Housing Assistance and Council Tax Assistance claims.

On the negative side, rent collection in public housing deteriorated slightly, but this was due to the cost of living crisis. The re-leasing speed of empty public housing decreased slightly from an average of 28 to 30 days. The results have been adjusted for the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Joe Lyle, campaign director for the Four-Day Workweek, said the results presented a huge opportunity for boards and organisations across the public sector to start planning for a four-day workweek.

The new Labour government is expected to pressure the NHS to work longer hours and run more weekends to reduce waiting lists, and is preparing to rush the planning process to boost housebuilding.

Productivity has historically grown at around 2% a year, but has stalled in the UK economy since the pandemic. In 2019, Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party included in its manifesto a plan to cut the working week to 32 hours without losing pay, but this year the party’s latest pledge has said nothing about enabling a four-day workweek. Labour has pledged to deliver economic growth and productivity growth across the economy, allowing it to increase spending on public services without raising income tax, national insurance and VAT.

Employers everywhere from Sweden to the United Arab Emirates, New Zealand to the United States have experimented with four-day workweeks. But last week, the Greek government announced a new six-day workweek for private companies in an effort to stimulate the economy amid a shrinking population and a shortage of skilled workers. It is asking workers to work longer hours to boost productivity.

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The South Cambridgeshire pilot, which started in January 2023 and ran until April 2024, required staff to do 100 per cent of their work, 80 per cent of the time, for 100 per cent of their pay. The overall pilot reduced staff turnover by 39 per cent, and research found that staff scores for physical and mental health, motivation and commitment all improved.

This brave and pioneering initiative, which saved hundreds of thousands of pounds in taxpayer money, improved recruitment and retention and added a positive aspect to health and wellbeing, was clearly a success. John Williams, Chief Councillor for Resources, said: We know we can’t compete on pay alone and we have had to find bold new ways to tackle recruitment and retention.

Mike Davey, leader of Cambridge City Council, which shares planning services with South Cambridgeshire, described the pilot as a win-win-win situation: improving service delivery for residents, reducing staffing costs for the council and improving work-life balance for council staff.

A number of private businesses have already adopted this approach, with many reporting that it has helped them retain staff. Ryle said the South Cambridgeshire results showed that a four-day week with no loss of pay could absolutely be successful in a local government setting.




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