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Donald Trump responds to accusations that he avoids public exposure

Donald Trump responds to accusations that he avoids public exposure
Donald Trump responds to accusations that he avoids public exposure


Donald Trump's team has denounced allegations that the former president disappeared from public view for more than a week.

Several allies of President Joe Biden claimed that Trump had not been seen for about 10 days following the presidential debate broadcast live on CNN on June 27.

As Biden faces mounting pressure over his debate performance, many of the president’s supporters are wondering why Trump isn’t facing similar scrutiny for not appearing at public events for several days. Trump addressed veterans in Wisconsin and Florida virtually on Independence Day from his home in Bedminster, New Jersey, while his last rally was in Virginia on June 28.

Harry Sisson, who is promoting the 2024 presidential campaign on social media, claimed Sunday night that Trump had “not held a public event in 10 days.”

“Biden spoke at the White House on July 4th, held a rally in Wisconsin the next day, and spent all day today in Pennsylvania,” Sisson posted on X, formerly Twitter. “Where is Trump? And why won’t the media talk about how Biden is working and how Trump isn’t working?”

Former U.S. President Donald Trump on June 28, 2024 in Chesapeake, Virginia. Trump has not appeared at any campaign events since rallying in Virginia last month. Former U.S. President Donald Trump on June 28, 2024 in Chesapeake, Virginia. Trump has not appeared at any campaign events since rallying in Virginia last month. Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Steve Cheung, a spokesman for Trump's 2024 campaign, said the presumptive Republican nominee held a rally in Virginia on June 28, the day after CNN's live presidential debate against Biden, and addressed veterans in an online call on July 4.

“Fake news from the Biden campaign,” Cheung told Newsweek. “President Trump attended a Fourth of July event last week and has already held a rally in Virginia.

“He also gave a lot of interviews to the media, unlike Biden, who has to be asked questions beforehand,” Cheung added.

Trump is scheduled to appear again at a rally in Doral, Florida, on Tuesday, July 9.

Former South Carolina state representative Bakari Sellers is among those arguing that Trump is not appearing in public. He wrote: “Donald Trump has not been seen in 10 days, FYI…”

In response, former White House communications director Ben LaBolt called it “the most undercovered story of the week.”

After CNN reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere posted Biden's upcoming schedule, noting that the president had no events scheduled for Monday, former White House deputy press secretary TJ Ducklo responded Sunday: “President Biden had a busy day of campaigning across Pennsylvania today and Donald Trump has not been seen in public in 10 days.”

Several social media users suggested that Trump does not need to make public appearances right now, as the backlash to Biden's lackluster debate performance is helping the 2024 Republican campaign anyway.

X user JD Sharp wrote in response to LaBolt: “No reason for him to be seen. The Democratic Party is imploding. Why distract from him? The art of war: never prevent your opponent from fighting himself.”

Conservative JL Fairchild added: “Trump hasn’t appeared in public because it’s more fun to stand on the sidelines and watch the Biden campaign implode.”

ABC News quoted an unnamed Trump campaign source as saying: “We're trying something new and we're keeping quiet.”

A video of Trump on a golf course attacking Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris emerged following the CNN debate, though it is unclear exactly when it was filmed.

Sitting on a golf cart, Trump calls Biden a “ruined old pile of shit” and suggests the president will drop out of the 2024 race.

“And that means we have Kamala,” Trump adds. “She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic. She’s just so bad.”

Biden and his team have said the president has no plans to end his re-election campaign.

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