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Explora Journeys presents a new entertainment program and unique experiences

Explora Journeys presents a new entertainment program and unique experiences
Explora Journeys presents a new entertainment program and unique experiences


Bruce Parkinson

Explora Journeys, the luxury sea travel brand of the MSC Group, has announced a new bespoke entertainment programme on board EXPLORA I. The comprehensive fourteen-day programme promises to enhance the guest experience with a series of evening shows, interactive activities and exclusive events.

Guests will be treated to performances featuring a new cast of international artists, joining the ship's ensemble of musicians and hosts.

Digital activities: a first in the sector

Digital activities, a pioneering initiative in the industry, are one of the most notable features of the offering. Through special QR codes located throughout the ship, guests can participate in unique daily activities on their devices, including Explora Journeys trivia, crosswords and word searches themed to the voyage’s destination, updated daily. In addition, timeless games such as Sudoku and chess can be enjoyed in any serene location on the ship.

This technology also allows guests to make special musical requests directly to artists. By scanning a QR code in the Astern Lounge during late-night concerts, guests can view set lists, send requests, choose songs or even suggest new ones, creating an interactive and personal connection with the musicians.

Explora Journeys, Explora I, luxury cruise ships

The Explora I's rear pool. (Photo credit: Explora Journeys)

Daytime Activities: Enhancing Ocean Mindset

Daytime activities will include spontaneous poolside performances by musicians, artists and wellness teams. These experiences will be complemented by specially paired drinks and snacks

Organized events and unique activities

Explora Journeys has created a program of new curated events, encouraging guests to build new relationships. Daily progressive events cultivate a sense of community, while unique events and solo activities allow guests to choose their level of engagement. The exceptional event programming includes more rituals, daytime sports, interactive events and an intriguing new multi-day secret mystery game.

Evening entertainment: a diverse musical experience

As night falls, the ship comes alive with music, offering different atmospheres in each venue. From relaxing poolside ambiances by DJs to elegant pre-dinner piano music in the Lobby and Explora Lounges, to more dynamic combinations of musicians and singers in the Journeys Lounge and contemporary music with the acoustic pedal duo in the Astern Lounge, guests can choose their ideal setting for an evening filled with entertainment.

EXPLORA I, Explora Journeys, new ships 2023

Rendering of the Cove Residence room aboard the EXPLORA I. (photo via Explora Journeys) (Photo credit: (photo via Explora Journeys))

Later in the evening, guests are treated to the Explora Music Series, a live nightly show in the Journeys Lounge. Six new singers perform a fourteen-night program without rehearsals, supported by guest artists. This talented ensemble also plays a variety of musical instruments, performing in various formations and events around the ship. Evening choices include performances on the main stage, intimate sessions in the lobby bar, lively nights in the Astern Lounge with interactivity and dancing, and nightly wellness events celebrating the night sky.

A summer of special performances

Throughout the journey, passengers will be able to enjoy everything from DJ and saxophone sets to the Songbook series paying tribute to the likes of Billy Joel and Carole King. New experiences include Voices of Vegas, featuring tracks from Sinatra to Adele, and Motor City, a light-hearted musical revue featuring exceptional musicians. New artists will also shine as solo acts backed by live musicians, with electric violinists and West End singers among the resident team.

“We are excited to introduce more activities and shows, bringing each voyage to life with color and variety,” said Steve Leatham, vice president of entertainment for the Cruise Division. “Our team will captivate Nautilus’ youngest guests with new activities and events that enhance this award-winning family program.”

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