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John Corbett regrets being an actor: “Unsatisfying”

John Corbett regrets being an actor: “Unsatisfying”
John Corbett regrets being an actor: “Unsatisfying”


After more than 30 years in the business, John Corbett has no love for Hollywood.

The “Sex and the City” star, 63, appeared on David Spade and Dana Carvey's show The “Fly on the Wall” podcast last week and admitted he regretted becoming an actor.

“Listen, I'm in the fourth quarter of the football game now, in life and in show business. That's just a fact,” Corbett said. “So I can reveal now that I chose the wrong thing to do with my life.”

John Corbett with wife Bo Derek at the premiere of “Masters of the Air” in January 2024. FilmMagic

The “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” actor, who has been married to Bo Derek since 2020, explained that he hasn't liked being told what to do since he was a child, which is part of the reason he's not happy in his career.

“I chose to dedicate my entire life to the fulfillment of my professional life, which is, 'Dude, stand here, say this, put that on, look over here, say it faster, cut your hair like this,'” he said. “You feel like a puppet.”

Corbett continued: “Have you ever sat in a doctor’s office waiting room for an hour and thought, ‘What the hell?’ For me, that’s what making a movie is, because I’m not part of any creative process.

Sarah Jessica Parker and John Corbett in “Sex and the City.” Craig Blankenhorn/HBO
Nia Vardalos, John Corbett in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”. IFC Films/Courtesy of the Everett Collection

He also mentioned Emma Stone, who has been heavily involved behind the scenes on his recent projects like the “Cruella” and “Poor Things” films and the “The Curse” series, and said he would have liked to have had the same opportunities.

“I’m just telling you, I’ve made a lot of money. I live in a nice house. People come up to me in every fucking restaurant I go to. I’m a friend to the world,” he said. “But as far as a fulfilling creative professional life, I haven’t written a single sentence. I haven’t written a single joke to make people laugh. So it hasn’t been fulfilling in that respect.”

“You know, there were some good times here and there, but most of the time, you just sit there and wait for them to knock on your door and say, ‘Hey, we need you to come back and say this again,’” Corbett continued. “And to me, man, that’s such a boring life.”

John Corbett at Lambertz Monday Night 2024 in Germany. Wire image

Corbett broke into Hollywood with his starring role in the 1990s television series “Northern Exposure.”

He gained wider fame playing Aidan Shaw, Sarah Jessica Parker's on-screen love interest, on “Sex and the City.” He reprised the role in the currently revival series “And Just Like That.”

Corbett also starred in “United States of Tara” and “Parenthood.”

Sarah Jessica Parker, John Corbett and Cynthia Nixon on the set of “And Just Like That.” GC Images

In film, Corbett has starred in the “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” and “To All the Boys” franchises. He has also starred in “Helen's Awakening,” “The Messengers” and “The Boy Next Door.”

Last year, Corbett said The New York Times He didn't think he had the talent to become an actor at the beginning of his career.

“I was a good-looking guy and women were enthusiastic,” he said. “I don't think anyone ever came up to me and said, 'Hey, I think you're a good actor.'”

Kate Hudson and John Corbett in “Helen's Awakening.” Buena Vista Photos/Courtesy of the Everett Collection

He also admitted that he was never really passionate about his career.

“I made friends with the idea that this is just what I do,” he explained. “When the phone rings and I feel like the money is right, the location is right and the timing is right, I’m going to be that guy that these people want.”




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