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Lioness, Holiday Proposal Plan actor dies at 30

Lioness, Holiday Proposal Plan actor dies at 30
Lioness, Holiday Proposal Plan actor dies at 30


Mike Heslinbest known for his work in , The Holiday Proposal Plan And died at the age of 30.

The actor suffered an unexpected heart attack and was hospitalized for a week, according to her husband, Nicolas James Wilson.

Wilson, who goes by the name Scotty Dynamo on social media, shared the news via Instagram And Xformerly known as Twitter, announced on Friday, July 5, that the actor had died on July 2.

Michael was young, perfectly healthy, and doctors have no explanation for what happened, Wilson wrote. He also revealed that the two had planned to start a family.

You always told me that you felt like you were meant to be a dad, and I couldn't agree more. You'd be the most perfect father in the world.

Along with the post, he shared a Instagram Carousel featuring photos of Heslin at different points in his life, starting with a recent photo of the actor. The photos also included wedding photos and images of Heslin as a child.

Brilliant, selfless, talented and a true guardian angel, Wilson said of Heslin.

Wilson also mentioned that Heslin helped him through several phases of cancer.

He was the first person everyone called to share good news, and he was the perfect person to call if they needed a shoulder to lean on or the best advice, Wilson noted.

Michael, meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. You are my world. You are my everything. When I felt you take your last breath, my heart broke into a thousand pieces. If I had the power to trade places with you, I would do it instantly, he continued in this lengthy tribute.

Wilson also added that the couple was 3 weeks away from your anniversary and 4 months away from our first wedding anniversary.

He ended with Shania Twain's words: “I'll love you forever and ever.”

A GoFundMe Campaign was set up to help cover funeral and hospital costs, as well as provide support to Heslins' loved ones after his death.




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