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New FLiRT coronavirus variant spreads across UK as UK doctors issue summer warning

New FLiRT coronavirus variant spreads across UK as UK doctors issue summer warning
New FLiRT coronavirus variant spreads across UK as UK doctors issue summer warning


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A new variant of Covid has begun to spread across the UK. If you have recently been suffering from a persistent cough or sore throat that won’t go away, you may have been infected with one of the new variants of Covid, called N FLiRT and LB.1.

Many of us know a friend or family member who has had a bad cold in the past few weeks and is now being told that COVID-19 is making a comeback.

Dr Mariam Malik, an NHS and private GP at Pall Mall Medical, says increased travel and large events such as festivals often create crowded environments where viruses can spread more easily, and there are no longer legal restrictions on things like wearing masks or social distancing.

Some health experts have even argued that FLiRT and LB.1 can evade immunity, which could be why vaccinated people still get sick.

The FLiRT variant has specific changes in its spike protein that allow it to spread more easily and evade immunity from previous infections or vaccines, says Dr. Malik. Similarly, the LB.1 variant has mutations that help it spread and may weaken protection gained from previous immunity, making it different from previous versions of the virus.

GP added that new variants arise because viruses naturally change over time. The more people who are infected, the more likely it is for the virus to mutate. Also, immune responses to past infections or vaccines can push the virus to evolve.

What are the symptoms of the new FLiRT and LB.1 coronavirus variants?

If you've been suffering from a cough or sore throat that won't go away lately, you may have been infected with the new coronavirus strain.

Symptoms of the FLiRT and LB.1 variants are generally similar to previous Covid-19 strains, Dr. Malik says. Common symptoms include fever, cough, fatigue, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, muscle or body aches, shortness of breath, headache and runny nose.

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A severe cough is one of the possible symptoms of the new variant coronavirus (PA).

People infected with the FLiRT and LB.1 variants typically test positive on standard PCR tests, Dr. Malik added. Rapid antigen tests, also known as lateral flow tests, can also detect these variants, but their sensitivity may vary.

How long does the new coronavirus variant last?

This transformation lasts for the same period of time as the previous one.

Doctors generally recommend self-isolation and use of over-the-counter medications if you experience these symptoms.

Dr. Malik advises that it is best to self-isolate, rest, and stay hydrated. Use over-the-counter medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen to relieve symptoms, and monitor your symptoms closely, seeking medical help if symptoms worsen.

How can I prevent my family from getting infected with the new variant virus?

Dr. Malik says it’s important to stay up to date on your vaccines and booster shots to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. Washing your hands frequently also helps prevent the spread of the virus.

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Continue getting your COVID vaccine as recommended by doctors (PA)

Getting tested regularly and isolating if you develop symptoms or test positive will also help control the spread of the virus, GPs added.

When should I see my doctor?

For mild symptoms, rest and home treatment are sufficient and there is usually no need to visit a GP, says Dr Malik. However, if you experience severe symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, confusion or persistent high fever, it is essential to seek medical help.

People with underlying medical conditions should contact their healthcare provider if they test positive or develop symptoms, as they are at higher risk for severe illness.




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