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Reform UK under pressure to prove all candidates are real people | Reform UK

Reform UK under pressure to prove all candidates are real people | Reform UK
Reform UK under pressure to prove all candidates are real people | Reform UK


Reform UK is under pressure to provide evidence that all of its candidates running in the general election are real people, after a string of hopefuls stood for office without providing a photograph, biographies or contact details.

The Reform Party insists that all 609 candidates who ran on July 4 are real people, but admits that some are merely paper candidates who did not actually campaign and were only running to boost the party's vote.

But after the Guardian revealed details that some unnamed candidates had no information at all, the Liberal Democrats asked Reform to provide details about them.

A Liberal Democrat source said: This doesn't seem right and the Reform Party needs to be honest and have evidence. They need to show who the Reform Party is. People need to have faith in the democratic process.

A list of candidates listed on Nigel Farage's party's election website simply shows their name and the constituency they are standing in, with no information about the candidates themselves or any contact information beyond a generic local email address.

Many of these people have no visible online presence and appear not to have done any campaigning. Photos of the vote count from some of the constituencies involved show that only the reform candidates were absent.

According to election rules, the only details a candidate must provide are his or her name and the constituency he or she resides in. They must all have a representative and be nominated by 10 local voters.

For some reform candidates, it is unclear whether they are registered on the voter rolls in the districts where they are running, in some cases hundreds of miles away. One person with the same name and location as the candidate denied being the same.

There is no evidence that any of the candidates are fake, but if it turns out to be true, it would be a serious electoral crime. Reform tried to win as many popular votes as possible, and this is helped by the list of candidates. Some of the seemingly unremarkable candidates got thousands of votes.

The reform source said: All of our candidates are strictly real. In the rush, some were just paper candidates and did not campaign. Others started as paper candidates but campaigned, and James McMurdock of South Basildon and East Thurrock ended up winning the seat.

The Guardian has learned that one Reform candidate suspected of being fake because his official election photo appeared to be generated by AI is actually real.

Doubts about Mark Matlock, who won 1,758 votes in Clapham and Brixton Hill in south London, were heightened when he failed to show up for the vote count. Skeptics also pointed out that there were no photographs of him campaigning.

But Matlock insisted he existed, and there was a reason for the strange-looking election photo. It was me. Foolishly, I couldn’t get to the photographer in time, so I had to edit the photo to change the tie and suit. He showed the Guardian a copy of the original photo, and changed the tie to a Reform blue.

Matlock, who lives in the Cotswolds, said he had started handing out leaflets and added that he understood the rush to get candidates on the ballot. The election took us all by surprise, and Rishi Sunak knew that. But we still managed to fill most of the seats with candidates, even if they didn't all live there. And that all contributed to our vote share.

The candidate for Clapham and Brixton Hill said he had missed the counting due to pneumonia.

Meanwhile, the Reform Party raised the most money of any party in the fourth week of campaigning, raising nearly 600,000 donations, a third of which came from the party's new patron, Zia Yousuf.

Muslim businessman Yusuf, who recently spoke at a reform rally, is the founder of a luxury concierge company called Velocity Black and has donated $200,000 to Nigel Farage's party.

Other donors to the Reform Party include businessman Jeremy Hosking, who recently backed Laurence Fox's Reclaim party, and former Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen, who has spoken out against vaccines, who donated $125,000.




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