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Church Helps Rebuild Damage From Japan Earthquake – Church News

Church Helps Rebuild Damage From Japan Earthquake – Church News
Church Helps Rebuild Damage From Japan Earthquake – Church News


As reconstruction efforts continue after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck Japan’s Noto Peninsula on January 1, 2024, there is a growing demand for specialized workers to maintain and repair damaged temples and shrines. These specialized teams have the materials and knowledge to repair the sites, but the cost has proven prohibitive.

This is where The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints stepped in.

Snow falls on a damaged building after the Noto Peninsula earthquake in Japan. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The church had already donated food, water, supplies, manpower, and funding to Japan in the days following the earthquake. Local church members and full-time missionaries quickly rallied to help their community members and provide supplies that the community might need.

Several weeks after the disaster, members of the North Asia Region Presidency visited the disaster area to determine how the Church could best help. The Church also provided additional support to the Japanese Red Cross Society, assisting nearly 300 doctors and nurses who were providing medical care in the affected areas.

Now, as residents begin to wonder how they will be able to afford the cleanup effort, the church has donated money to various cities, allowing them to begin restoration work, reported (in English and Japanese). The church has also provided financial support to two shrines, Mishima Kintohira Shrine and Nishinomiya Shrine.

The Mishima Kotohira Shrine building in Nanao, Ishikawa, Japan, is seen near collapse, pictured on January 31, 2024, about a month after the earthquake. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Mishima Kintohira Shrine had become structurally unsafe due to the earthquake and had to be demolished before it could be rebuilt. Many historically significant documents and objects, considered sacred treasures by the city of Nanao and the Mishima Town Council, were removed from the building, but the cost of demolition was an obstacle. The church provided financial assistance to help defray the costs, allowing the shrine, a source of faith and vitality for many residents, to begin the process of restoration.

The church also provided financial support to four Buddhist temples located in the affected area: Nichiren Buddhist Temple, Kounzan Chujoji Temple in Kojima Town, Jodo Shinshu Otani Shoganji Temple on Noto Island, and Jodo Shinshu Honganji Sect Phoenix Mountain Kokenji Temple also on Noto Island.

According to, the Phoenix Mountain Sect's Kokenji Temple will be the next holy building to receive assistance. Financial support has already been provided to repair the roof of the Kokenji Temple's main hall and rebuild the Shoganji Temple.

On June 15, two local groups—the Kanazawa Japan Group and the Kanagawa Japan Group—participated in a large-scale fundraising activity at the Jodo Soseninji Temple to clear away debris, according to The temple’s roof had collapsed, leaving many of the interior artifacts at risk of water or mold damage. Volunteers removed the debris by hand, as it was too difficult for vehicles to enter the site.

More than nine truckloads of debris were removed from the site during the cleanup. Workers and volunteers worked carefully to ensure that no ceiling tiles or historic artifacts were damaged during the removal, so they could be returned once the temple was repaired.

Although the Mishima Kotohira Shrine building in Nanao, Ishikawa, Japan was demolished, many documents and materials of historical value were saved. This photo was taken around January 31, 2024. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

On June 29, another service project involved volunteers from Sweat Together and groups of Jodo Buddhists from Tokyo. The groups interacted with each other in a friendly and comfortable atmosphere, regardless of their different belief systems.

“This group seemed to care about the poor, and they were talking about each other's charitable activities while working on their charitable activities,” said Mitsuru Takase, who participated in the event.

While these service projects have helped mitigate some of the damage caused by the earthquake, other shrines and places still need more work to be made safe. The church said additional contractors and other organizations are still working to repair the damage and reopen these historic and sacred places to the public.




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