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Advanced finite element method enhances earthquake impact assessment

Advanced finite element method enhances earthquake impact assessment
Advanced finite element method enhances earthquake impact assessment


Finite element model for seismic analysis of concrete dam soils. Source: International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics (2024). DOI: 10.1002/msd2.12106

The design of structures such as dams, tunnels and bridges to withstand temporary loads from sources such as earthquakes, high-speed trains and explosions requires a robust analysis of the dynamic interaction between soil and structure. Conventional methods often fail to handle complex boundary conditions and dynamic responses.

The demand for accurate SSI solutions is increasing, especially considering the influence of local soil conditions on seismic motion characteristics. Given these challenges, in-depth research on advanced numerical methods is necessary to enhance the accuracy and reliability of SSI analysis.

Researchers from Kyoto University have presented a velocity-dependent finite element procedure in space and time in the International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics. The study, published on June 4, 2024, provides a systematic approach to reduce unbounded soil domains and model energy flow during seismic activities, providing a major leap forward in dynamic SSI analysis.

The study presents a velocity-based spatial-temporal finite element method (v-ST/FEM) to address dynamic SSI problems. This novel method incorporates viscous boundary conditions based on the Lysmer-Kuhlemeyer model, effectively cutting the unbounded soil domain to prevent spurious reflections.

The v-ST/FEM method accurately simulates the seismic input motion as an effective nodal force vector in the numerical simulation, ensuring the energy flow from the far field to the computational domain.

The researchers validated this approach by comparing the seismic response of a concrete gravity dam on a flexible half-space with semi-discrete finite element method (FEM) results using the Newmark-β method. The v-ST/FEM method showed superior accuracy and stability in simulating long-term seismic motion, making it a reliable tool for future SSI analyses and improving the prediction of seismic performance of various structures.

“Our v-ST/FEM approach provides a more accurate and computationally efficient method for dynamic soil-structure interaction problems,” said Dr. Vikas Sharma, lead author of the study. “This advance is critical to developing infrastructure that can better withstand the forces of nature, ultimately protecting lives and property.”

The application of this research is far-reaching, especially for the design and evaluation of ground structures such as dams and bridges in seismic areas. By providing more accurate prediction of seismic soil amplification, v-ST/FEM technology can contribute to safer and more resilient infrastructure, potentially saving lives and reducing the economic impact of earthquakes.

For more information: Vikas Sharma et al, Space–time finite element method with domain reduction techniques for soil–structure interaction problems, International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics (2024). DOI: 10.1002/msd2.12106

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Citation: Resilience Engineering: Advanced Finite Element Method Enhances Earthquake Impact Assessment (2024, July 17) Retrieved July 17, 2024 from

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