What happens when COVID-19 and influenza converge? I will understand immediately
There are no signs that the COVID-19 pandemic will soon recede and more problems will be seen on the horizon as the flu season approaches.
What if a hospital already stressed by a large number of patients with coronavirus also had to deal with the influx of influenza cases? During the peak of the flu season, hospital resources are usually strained, even when the two illnesses have not joined.
“We expect the flu to converge on COVID-19, which will put a heavy burden on hospitals,” said Amy Shogren of the Nevada Hospital Association. “We have already heard of influenza cases in the hospital.”
However, despite the very real concerns surrounding this convergence, there are some optimisms that this flu season may be milder than normal.
2 birds, 1 stone
One of the mitigating factors for the upcoming flu season is that the steps taken to control the coronavirus (wearing masks, leaving social distance, staying at home) also help protect against the flu.
Brian Labs, an associate professor at UNLV’s School of Public Health, said:
“It’s really hard to say what this looks like, because our behavior has changed completely,” said Labus, an epidemiologist and biostatistician who is a member of the Governor’s Medical Advisory Team.
“Our behavior is not typical, so I don’t expect a typical flu season.”
If activity at the bottom of the earth is any sign of it, it could actually be a very rare flu season in the United States, and most flu cases usually occur between October and May.
The influenza season in the Southern Hemisphere usually lasts from April to September and is particularly mild compared to the previous season. The main reason is that many areas have been blocked due to the coronavirus, reducing the chances of disease transmission.
“One of the worst flu seasons in the Southern Hemisphere reveals a tremendous difference to what doesn’t really exist,” said Dr. David Weismiller, professor at UNLV School of Medicine.
According to Australia’s National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System, Australia reported 185 confirmed laboratory cases of influenza in the last week of July.
“One of the key changes is social distance and masks,” said Weismiller, pointing out that lockdowns in Australia are more severe than what is valid in the United States. These measures are second only to those that continue to do so. “
“Very healthy respect”
Another variable that determines the severity of the flu season in Nevada and the United States is the number of people who have been vaccinated against the flu. Non-profit Imnoise Nevada’s 2017-2018 influenza season data show that 39% of Nevadas vaccinated against the flu were older than 6 months. The national average was 42%.
However, there are some hopes that fear over COVID-19 may stimulate interest in vaccination against influenza.
Dr. Judithford, Medical Director of Intermountain Healthcare, said: “I highly hope that people will be vaccinated against the flu because fear of COVID will lead to a very healthy respect for the flu.”
Recent research suggests that this may be the case. According to a survey of 1,000 adults in the United States by United Healthcare, among the concerns about the virus, 30% of adults say they are likely to be vaccinated against influenza this year.
Data from health districts in southern Nevada show that Clark County had approximately 1,400 hospitalizations and 54 deaths from the flu during the last influenza season. As of Friday, the county reported approximately 3,100 hospitalizations and 770 deaths from COVID-19.
“There’s nothing you can do right now for COVID. There is no vaccine available,” Ford said. “I want people to at least vaccinate themselves for what they can prevent.”
The development and testing of the COVID-19 vaccine is taking place at an unprecedented pace, and we hope that at least one effective vaccine will be available to the most at-risk people later this year. However, it is not certain that the vaccine will be distributed in time for the flu season.
Incomplete protection
On the other hand, the influenza vaccine is incomplete. Scientists have to predict which strains of the virus will prevail months before the flu season. Success in making predictions varies from year to year, and depending on the season, the vaccine may not be optimal for the strain.
However, if the vaccinated person becomes ill, the illness will probably be less severe, said Karen Duus, associate professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Nevada Touro in Henderson. That is the “implicit advantage of the vaccine”.
“I feel like a week or two is still crap, but I don’t end up going to the hospital,” Duus said. What people don’t want to wake up with is COVID-19 plus the flu, which she described as a “horrible idea.”
“What would it do if you had a mild COVID and you had the flu on it? said virus researcher Duus.
From a public health perspective, getting a flu shot can be more important than ever.
“The more people are vaccinated against the flu, the lower the flu’s prevalence, which helps reduce the impact on the health care system,” said Dr. Cortlandroof, chief medical institution, Nevada. Officer of the Southern Health District.
“If we can keep the flu away, we can really focus our efforts on responding to the ongoing COVID pandemic,” he said.
The health district plans to start influenza vaccination in September. Many practitioners recommend getting a flu shot in September or October to prevent it throughout the season.
Weismiller encourages his patients to think strategically about taking shots. Fewer companies offer on-site vaccinations to employees, as some companies are shutting down or leaving employees to work from home. Therefore, he advises patients going to pharmacies, for example, to consider being vaccinated against influenza while they are there.
Health officials say it is especially important for older people and people with underlying illnesses to be vaccinated against influenza. They are at high risk of complications from COVID-19 as well as influenza.
Virtual school
Current evidence suggests that children are also at greater risk of developing severe illness from influenza than COVID-19.
According to the CDC, there were 166 children in the United States who died of influenza during the past influenza season. During the 2009-2010 pandemic of the H1N1 flu, 358 deaths from influenza were reported nationwide in children. In contrast, as of July 21, 64 US children died of COVID-19.
But the fact that public schools in Clark County start semester lessons online rather than in the classroom should help mitigate the spread of the flu, Ford said.
“We expect all respiratory illnesses to be not so bad because the little kids aren’t mixed,” she said.
The autumn and winter circulation of multiple respiratory viruses, including those that cause colds, complicates the diagnosis of respiratory infections.
“As a provider we have to figure out, do patients have the flu, do they have COVID, or both?” Ford said.
However, one outcome of the pandemic was the increased use of telemedicine, which allowed patients to consult their practitioner by telephone or video conference.
“More than ever, we are very skilled and trained to use technology in the best possible way,” said Dr. Neil Gokal, Southwest Medical Associates GP. .. “We also have the ability to connect with patients in the safety and comfort of their homes and to keep them safe from unnecessary exposure to others.
Combo test
To meet the demand for influenza-coronavirus fusion, the Federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention has designed a new “combo” test that tests for both influenza and the new coronavirus. This causes COVID-19. Nevada Public Health Institute in Reno.
The State Institute will soon be evaluating a test to use in Nevada during this flu season.
“In the flu season, testing will be very helpful,” said the lab director. “The expression of influenza and COVID-19 can be very similar, so it is important to be able to distinguish these infections in humans.”
Contact Mary Hynes [email protected] Or 702-383-0336. Follow Yutaro On Twitter.
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