Best of Bollywood: Rajkumar Hirani's '3 Idiots'


(Credits: Far Out / Reliance BIG Pictures)
The best films aren't always the ones that make tons of money, win countless awards, transcend language and cultural barriers, and have a real impact on society in different ways, but it certainly helps in terms of legacy when films like 3 idiots TO DO.
Rajkumar Hiranis' coming-of-age comedy-drama did all of that, fully earning its status as one of the most influential Bollywood films of the modern era. The awards continued to pour in, as did the remakes, with 3 idiots firmly established as one of the most important and successful Indian films of the 21st century.
Aamir Khan, R. Madhavan and Sharman Joshi play the title characters Rancho, Farhan and Raju, all household names. Unfolding through parallel narratives told ten years apart, the story traces the trio's friendship from their college days to adulthood, exploring and satirising the local education system with an equally deft touch.
Of course, they each have different personalities that bounce off each other and sometimes get them into trouble, and the chemistry between the three protagonists is both palpable and essential to 3 idiots as a whole. Rancho is an outgoing, carefree entrepreneur and scientist, Farhan is an artist at heart, and Raju is driven towards a well-paying job by the poverty in which he and his family grew up.
Also dependent on the charisma of its stars and their closely linked journeys, 3 idiots has a lot to say on a deeper level. Appealing to all generations and reflecting the struggles shared by many who identified with the trials and tribulations of the country's unforgiving education system, the film was not a smash hit but rather a cultural phenomenon.
Shattering box office records, it became the highest-grossing Indian film in history and, encapsulating its varied and light-hearted reflections on difficult issues, it won a National Film Award for Best Popular Film Offering Wholesome Entertainment. A fun time at the movies, first and foremost, the lingering aftereffects of 3 idiots ended up becoming a key part of his position in the annals of Bollywood history.
Praised for its realistic depictions of a grueling educational environment, the Indian system has been reorganized and realigned in the years since, allowing students to focus their attention on a number of different areas instead of being forced to specialize in one field over another. It has also spread far beyond national borders, with China and Taiwan taking inspiration from it. 3 idiots to change their own educational hierarchies.
By all measures, 3 idiots It was a resounding victory for all involved, not only critically and commercially, but also in transforming a real societal issue into a talking point and sparking change through the prism of lighthearted escapism.
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