AI is already taking jobs in the video game industry
From an AI perspective, different parts of the industry are being swallowed up by other parts, says Violet, who asked to use a pseudonym for fear of retribution. Why hire a bunch of expensive concept artists and designers when you can just have an art director give the AI wrong instructions, get something of good enough quality very quickly, and have a couple of artists sort it out?
So there's an emerging consensus that it's concept artists, graphic designers, asset artists, and illustrators who have been most affected by AI so far, as evidenced by a plethora of personal stories from game company employees and laid-off workers themselves, as well as posts on Reddit, X, and elsewhere.
Generative AI is best suited to generating 2D images that cost-strapped studio managers deem good enough. It's a term AI-focused creative workers are now using as shorthand for the kind of AI output that threatens their livelihoods, if not replaces good artwork. After all, some clients value cost over quality. Tasks like 3D animation and programming are much harder to fully automate, at least for now.
Games have used automation to varying degrees for years, relying heavily on AI programs to control enemies, environments, and non-player characters. But that's not how AI is being discussed today. In 2024, we're talking about generative AI generated by large language models (LLMs) and related systems unleashed by the recent craze.
A recent report by consulting firm CVL Economics, commissioned by an entertainment industry trade group, found that the gaming industry has more tasks handed over to generative AI than the TV, film, and music industries, and a survey of 300 CEOs, executives, and managers found that nearly 90% of video game companies had already implemented generative AI programs.
According to CVL research, the gaming industry relies more heavily on GenAI than other entertainment industries to perform tasks such as storyboarding, character design, rendering, and animation generation. In fact, by one estimate, GenAI could make up more than half of the game development process over the next five to 10 years.
This may be new to some game industry insiders, as they often don't have the full picture of what's going on at major game companies like Activision Blizzard. A major game company is made up of a complex supply chain of studios, developers, third-party contributors, and quality assurance (QA) testers. A studio is a subsidiary of a larger studio and is tasked with developing or co-developing one game for its parent company. It's so fragmented in AAA that you never know who's doing what, Violet said. You'll probably never know which parts use AI for what, but you know it's there. (Activision Blizzard declined to comment when contacted about the matter.)
The lack of clarity about when and where AI will be used in a particular game also makes it easier to dismiss concerns about copyright infringement. “It's a lawless area,” Violet said. He's been in meetings with a variety of companies who believe they should have some degree of assurance that AI is legal before moving forward.
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