AICS 'Champion Champ' Table Tennis Tournament at St. Theresa's School
Press release
Mangaluru, July 25: Despite the rainy July morning, the spirits among the athletes were high as they gathered in the main hall of St. Theresas School for the first AICS Inter-school Table Tennis Tournament, “Champion Champ”, on July 25, 2024.
Distinguished guests were present on the occasion including Dr. Rohan Monis as the Guest of Honour, Mr. Gowtham Shetty as the Guest of Honour, Sr. Shaila, Correspondent of St. Theresa's School, Sr. Lourdes, Principal of St. Theresas School, Mr. Nitish PM, Chief Functionary, Ms. Collette Cabral, Vice-Chairman of PTA and Ms. Anita, Physical Education Teacher of St. Theresas School.
The ceremony began with a prayer dance by the talented students of St. Theresa's, invoking blessings. Sister Lourdes welcomed everyone and encouraged students to excel in sports and all activities of life. She introduced the guest of honour, Dr. Rohan Monis, to the gathering.
In his address, Dr. Monis, the Chief Administrative Officer of Kanachur Hospital and Research Centre, emphasized sportsmanship, discipline and hard work, and inspired participants to strive for excellence. He narrated a short story about Maria, a famous athlete, who encouraged children to bring about social change through selfless service and to take up challenges for social impact.
The tournament was creatively opened by Dr. Rohan Monis and other dignitaries, with Sr. Shaila officially declaring the “Champion Champ” Table Tennis Tournament 2024 open.
Mrs. Maria Dsouza suggested that a vote of thanks be given.
Mr. Gowtham Shetty, Vice President of Karnataka Table Tennis Association, briefed the participants about the rules and regulations of the competition. As the tournament began, there was a suspense of exciting matches and memorable moments of triumph in the air. Mrs. Prafulla Fernandes presented the inaugural programme in a competent manner.
Closing Ceremony:
The event concluded with a lively closing ceremony attended by dignitaries, students, coaches, physical education teachers and staff. The MC, Mrs. Savita Pinto, greeted the audience warmly. On the dais were Sr. Shaila, chairperson of the day’s event, Mr. Gowtham Shetty, guest of honour, Mr. Nitish PM, Sr. Lourdes and Mrs. Collette Cabral.
Sr. Shaila addressed the audience, praising the participants for their hard work and enthusiasm and praising St. Theresa's School for organizing the tournament. The highlight of the closing ceremony was the prize distribution. Trophies and certificates were presented to the winning teams, with results announced by Ms. Doreen Dsouza:
Girls under 14:
1. St. Theresa's School
2. Berg Karmelschool
3. Delhi Public School
Boys under 14 years:
1. St. Theresa's School
2. Mangaluru HR
3. Sri Sathya Sai LokaSevaVidya Kendra
Girls under 17:
1. St. Theresa's School
2. Berg Karmelschool
3. St. Mary's Central School
Boys under 17:
1. Delhi Public School
2. St. Theresa's School
3. Berg Carmel School Mangalore
The referees Mr. Elson, Mr. Vian, Mr. Aditya, Mr. Harsha, Mr. Kaushal and Ms. Harna were thanked for their commendable efforts in judging the competition.
Ms. Savita Albuquerque and Ms. Shilly Prakash were the announcers for the table tennis event of the day. Mr. Ashwin D. and Mr. Rajesh G. creatively created a beautiful backdrop on the stage, which made the event truly special.
The program concluded with the singing of the national anthem, bringing a successful and memorable tournament to a close.
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