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Advancing American Innovation in Climate Resilience | OSTP

Advancing American Innovation in Climate Resilience | OSTP


National Climate Adviser Ali Zaidi, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Arati Prabhakar, and Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality Brenda Mallory.

Across the country, Americans are already experiencing the devastating and disruptive effects of climate change. Cities and towns across the country are experiencing record heat, wildfires are burning millions of acres in the West, and severe storms like Hurricane Beryl are putting lives at risk and causing widespread power outages. In the past six months alone, the United States has experienced 15 multi-billion-dollar climate disasters.

Against this backdrop of challenges, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking unprecedented steps to confront the climate crisis. This includes investing more than $50 billion in climate resilience to help communities prepare for and recover from extreme weather caused by climate change. Additionally, the Administration is reducing climate pollution by catalyzing hundreds of billions of dollars of private investment in wind, solar, electric vehicles, low-emission concrete, steel, and more. These investments are delivering transformational benefits to our health, environment, and economy. Analysis shows that every dollar spent on climate resilience saves $13 in economic costs, damages, and cleanup. Through the Administration's Justice40 initiative, many of these investments are directly benefiting disadvantaged communities that are underinvested, marginalized, and bear the greater burden of pollution.

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration released the first-of-its-kind Climate Resilience Gamechangers Assessment to further spur American innovation and investment. Building on the Biden-Harris Administration's Net Zero Gamechangers initiative, which is accelerating progress on key decarbonization technologies, the Climate Resilience Gamechangers Assessment identifies 28 critical technologies, management practices, and institutional and financial tools that can have a transformative, positive impact on our nation's climate resilience while creating good-paying jobs, improving community well-being, and advancing environmental justice.

A diagram summarizing the 28 climate resilience game changers identified by the Climate Resilience Game Changers Assessment.

As the National Climate Resilience Framework points out, becoming a climate-resilient nation requires developing and deploying new and enhanced tools in the nation's toolbox to address climate-related threats. The Climate Resilience Game Changers Assessment highlights innovative technologies, practices, and strategies that, with additional research, development, and investment, could become these critical tools. These game changer technologies include advanced grid control systems for the energy sector, next-generation desalination and recycling technologies for the nation's water, and resilience hubs that support public safety and promote community health. The Game Changers Assessment also highlights innovations such as next-generation remote sensing, analysis, and forecasting technologies that can be useful across a wide range of sectors, as well as new approaches to harness the resilience benefits of natural systems.

The Game Changers assessment builds on the Biden-Harris Administration's recent historic actions and investments in climate resilient innovation, including:

Supporting advanced technologies and practices in agriculture and land conservation. Last week, USDA announced $90 million from the Inflation Reduction Act to support more than 50 projects to develop new tools, practices and technologies to promote natural resource conservation on private lands, including a range of projects to support adaptation and resilience. Also, earlier this week, USDA, the Department of the Interior and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced a $20 million investment to use NOAA's satellite programs to rapidly detect and report wildfire outbreaks.

Investing in innovation to protect the nation's reservoirs, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Last month, NOAA announced more than $16 million in grant funding to advance innovation in marine science and technology, including investments in critical climate adaptation technologies to address ocean acidification and enhance monitoring of oceans and marine biodiversity. In June, NOAA also announced nearly $5 million in funding for laboratories and research that will help improve drought monitoring and forecasting in the West. In May, the Department of the Interior announced $179 million to fund innovative drought-resilient projects, including water recycling and groundwater recharge to meet the average annual water needs of hundreds of thousands of people. These investments are part of tens of billions of dollars invested over five years by the Biden-Harris Administration's America Investment Plan to revitalize the nation's water infrastructure.

Build a reliable, next-generation electric grid. The Biden-Harris Administration is investing more than $10 billion across the country to support innovative, resilient grid infrastructure projects that will make the grid more reliable in the face of extreme weather and climate change. This includes hundreds of millions of dollars to harden critical grid infrastructure against wildfire risk in Hawaii; deploy advanced battery, microgrid, and grid control technologies in Wisconsin; and build a new smart grid in rural Georgia. These investments will reduce the risk of weather-related outages while also creating new innovation talent.

Accelerating the climate resilience innovation ecosystem. The Biden-Harris Administration is creating new hubs, test beds, and accelerators to spur investments in innovation across the country. These innovation pipelines, funded by the President’s Invest America Agenda, include the National Science Foundation’s 10 Regional Innovation Engines, NOAA’s Ocean-Based Climate Resilience Accelerator, and the Economic Development Administration’s (EDA) Regional Innovation and Technology Hubs. In Florida, for example, EDA’s new ClimateReady Technology Hub will partner with Miami-Dade County’s Office of Innovation and Economic Development to scale advanced, low-emission concrete technologies that protect lowlands. In Colorado and Wyoming, new National Science Foundation Climate Resilience Engines will develop and deploy advanced sensing, monitoring, and predictive analytics to forecast, predict, and measure water scarcity, wildfires, and other extreme weather events. These future-proof investments will ensure that critical climate technologies, industries, and supply chains for the next century are researched, designed, and manufactured in America.

Setting the stage for future innovation and progress. The United States is a pioneer in groundbreaking science, research, and ingenuity in the world. The Climate Resilience Game Changers Assessment builds on this tradition and helps focus the attention of U.S. public, private, philanthropic, and scientific institutions in partnership with the federal government on innovations that have the potential to significantly strengthen the nation's resilience to the impacts of climate change. By thoughtfully researching, developing, and deploying Climate Resilience Game Changers and other critical climate investments, we can continue to build a stronger, more secure, and more climate resilient nation.





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