Danish medtech startup invited to present at the UN
VentriJect, a Danish medtech startup seeking to revolutionize the way cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is measured, was invited to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York to showcase its portable VO2 max estimation solution, Seismofit.
This follows the selection of Seismofit by the Innovation Value Institute (IVI) at Maynooth University in the Republic of Ireland as one of the top five digital health solutions driving fundamental transformation in healthcare.
IVI is committed to the transition towards a new kind of wellness and health system driven and enhanced by digital technologies. The judges recognised Seismofit as a potential game-changer solution in digital health to make healthcare affordable and accessible based on the Stay Left, Shift Left-10X approach.
According to Ventriject, the concept is to leverage technology to develop a preventative approach that is 10 times more effective than currently available solutions. They propose that only by leveraging technology can a preventative approach to healthcare become widespread globally, reducing the number of people receiving acute care, minimizing healthcare costs, and maximizing patient experience and quality of life.
VentriJect will be demonstrating Seismofit at the Fourth United Nations General Assembly Digital Health Symposium in New York from September 24-26. IVI's accolade comes on the heels of winning second place out of more than 300 of the most innovative global healthcare startups at the Healthcare Innovation World Cup in November 2023.
Seismofit combines advanced algorithms with a technology called seismic electrocardiography to enable estimation of CRF in under three minutes, without the need for exercise. This provides a clinically validated method of estimating VO2 max, an indicator of CRF. The company says there is “significant” published evidence showing that CRF is one of the best indicators of health and has a strong correlation with other health indicators and mortality.
VO2 max is typically measured with cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). However, this method can take more than 20 minutes to perform, requires specialized staff and exhausting exercise, is uncomfortable for most people, and is not suitable for older adults or those with injuries or disabilities. The VentriJects device eliminates this need by recording the vibrations of the chest wall caused by the beating of the heart, and uses an AI-assisted algorithm to accurately estimate VO2 max.
The company has focused on using technology combined with a preventative approach to healthcare to improve patient outcomes, which Ventriject says is becoming especially important as healthcare systems around the world become increasingly strained by tight resources and aging populations.
“We are on a mission to help transform global health and wellbeing, which is why we are honored to be offered such a prestigious platform as the United Nations,” said Mikkel Christiansen, CEO of VentriJect.
“We are pleased that IVI recognizes the importance of making CRF testing accessible to everyone and the potential of our technology to move from acute care to preventive care. We can't wait to show it off in New York.”
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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