Here's What to Do Before, During, and After a Texas Earthquake
Texas has had a flurry of earthquakes, something we're not exactly used to. I thought it might be a good idea to take a look at what we'd do if we ever got a major one. It's not common here, and it's given us all a bit of a… uh… shock.
The Michigan Institute of Technology offers some helpful tips on its website about what to do before, during and after an earthquake.
Before the earthquake:
Before another earthquake strikes Texas, make sure you have a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit, a flashlight, extra batteries, and a battery-powered radio. These things will come in handy if things get bad.
During an earthquake:
If you find yourself in the middle of an earthquake, it is best to stay outside if you are already outside. If you are inside, stand against a wall near the middle of the building, hide under a desk or table, or stand in a doorway. Always be sure to stay away from windows and outside doors.
If you are outside when a fire occurs, make sure you are not near power lines or anything that could fall on you. Stay away from buildings that could cause objects to fall on you. Do not use candles or matches because broken gas lines and fire are a bad combination. If you find yourself in your car when a fire occurs, stay in it until it stops. And never use elevators!
After the earthquake:
When the earthquake is over, check yourself for injuries and help anyone around you who may be injured. Then go check water, gas, and electrical lines for any possible damage, and turn off the valves accordingly. If you smell gas, be sure to open all windows and doors and leave the building immediately. You’ll want to save your phone’s battery life, so turn on the radio for updates instead. Be on the lookout for broken glass, debris, and possible falling chimneys. You also don’t want to be anywhere near the shore during an earthquake. Tsunamis often strike after the ground has stopped shaking. Stay away from affected areas to prevent further injury, and if you’re at school or work, be sure to follow the established emergency plan.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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