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Fresno County sees surge in COVID-19 cases over summer

Fresno County sees surge in COVID-19 cases over summer


FRESNO COUNTY, Calif. (KFSN) — While COVID-19 may be on the back burner for some, California has seen a surge in cases in recent months.

“The city of Fresno has the same number of cases as the rest of California,” said Dr. Kenny Vann, an emergency physician at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Fresno.

As more people are getting tested at home or not getting tested at all, states have found new ways to track the virus.

“The No. 1 thing we're seeing is an increase in wastewater. We're taking people's wastewater and testing it for COVID-19 and all of those samples,” Dr. Bang explained. “So we don't know who is infected individually, but we know as a population. We're seeing a massive increase in cases.”

Since the pandemic began, cases have spiked in winter and summer as people stay indoors to escape the weather and travel tends to increase.

“The summer is also the travel season, so we're going to see a surge in cases,” Dr. Ban said. “You know, people are all bussed into the airport, visiting family. It's summer vacation. There's a lot of travel associated with that.”

Fresno County Public Health says this summer's variants may spread more quickly than variants seen in the past.

“But at least at this point, we're not seeing any indication that the severity of the disease is increasing, meaning we're not seeing more people being hospitalized or dying from COVID-19,” explained Dr. Trinidad Solis, deputy health officer for the Fresno County Department of Public Health.

Symptoms of the current variant may be the same as in the past.

“We see a lot of patients who present with symptoms of sore throat, cough, fever, but some also present with abdominal symptoms like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea,” said Dr. Solis, “so it's really important that if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, you get tested.”

Fresno County Public Health says there are still ways to get tested for free.

“We have a pro program called the Rural Mobile Health Program, where we have providers offering free COVID testing and treatment, and individuals can i- Our Website “These partners are traveling through the rural areas of the county and providing these services,” Dr. Solis said. “In addition, our public health department is providing COVID testing to various community organizations, so they are helping us reach vulnerable communities.”

If you test positive, your doctor may recommend that you stay at home for 24 hours or until your fever subsides without medication. You can also seek medical treatment.

“Oral paxlobidi remains the predominant first-line treatment for the vast majority of COVID-19 cases and has been shown to be effective in reducing hospitalizations and deaths,” Dr. Bang said.

Doctors still recommend keeping vaccinations up to date, with COVID-19 booster vaccinations due to be updated this fall.

“We need to think of it the same way we do with the annual flu vaccination,” Dr. Bunn explained, “which is where we are with COVID-19. With the flu, we're still seeing increased cases, hospitalizations and deaths, and while it's infecting healthy people, it's also infecting a lot of at-risk people. We need to start thinking of COVID-19 in that way.”

Doctors recommend wearing a mask if you are sick, elderly, or have a weakened immune system.

As for whether masks will become mandatory again in Fresno, the public health department says that's unlikely.

Copyright © 2024 KFSN-TV. All rights reserved.




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