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UK riots: Why are far-right groups attacking immigrants and Muslims? | Explainer News

UK riots: Why are far-right groups attacking immigrants and Muslims? | Explainer News


As riots continue in Britain, far-right agitators have burned down a hotel housing refugees.

A Holiday Inn Express hotel in Tamworth, northern England, was set ablaze. Rioters also gathered near a Holiday Inn Express hotel in Rotherham that is housing refugees. Both incidents took place on Sunday.

Protests led by far-right groups have escalated into clashes with police in several cities, and a wave of unrest sparked by xenophobia and misinformation surrounding the tragic stabbing death of three young girls has swept the country. Some 400 people have been arrested.

I guarantee you that whether you participate in this chaos in person or encourage it online, you will regret it, Prime Minister Keir Starmer said in a televised address on Sunday. He described the riots as an organized, unlawful assault by a small number of Britons.

Amid the sixth day of violence, Downing Street held an emergency meeting in the Cabinet Office Briefing Room (Cobra).

Here's what you need to know:

What brought about this moment?

Last week, three young girls were stabbed to death by 17-year-old suspect Axel Rudakubana during a Taylor Swift-themed dance and yoga workshop at a community centre in Southport, England. He was born in the Welsh capital of Cardiff and is said to be the son of Christian Rwandan parents.

False information circulated on social media claiming the suspect was a Muslim immigrant.

Those who rioted vocally expressed their hatred for immigrants, but analysts say there was also an underlying xenophobia towards Britain's minority communities, particularly Muslims.

Professor Rosa Freedman of the University of Reading told Al Jazeera that the riots were sparked by the previous Conservative government's collusion with racist far-right groups.

Instead of hiding their faces, they are now showing their faces. We can't blame the Labour Party. [only] was in government [for] She said for the past four weeks.

Meanwhile, agitators like Tommy Robinson are stoking tensions.

Real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, he is a co-founder of the English Defence League (EDL) and a far-right activist who has been busy posting inflammatory videos criticising Muslims, immigrants, politicians and the police to his 800,000 followers on X.

He is posting from afar, reportedly in Cyprus. A High Court judge issued an arrest warrant for Robinson after he failed to appear at the Royal Courts on Monday for a hearing on his defamation case against Syrian refugee Jamal Hijazi.

Influencer Andrew Tate, who claimed the Southport suspect arrived in the UK by boat, and MP Nigel Farage, who later gave more details about him, have also been accused of fomenting division.

Where did the riot take place?

In cities and towns across the country.

As well as Southport, Rotherham and Tamworth, clashes were also reported in several cities including Manchester, Liverpool and Belfast in Northern Ireland.

Posts describing other planned far-right events are circulating on social media. Al Jazeera cannot independently verify these claims.

What did the government say?

Prime Minister Starmer said he completely condemned the far-right violence.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper recently told Sky News: “People who thought they were going on a summer holiday this week will find themselves getting a knock on the door from the police.”

Tensions have been heightened by Nigel Farage, the anti-immigrant leader of the populist movement Reform UK and a sitting MP, who said in May that Muslims do not share British values.

Farage said what he had seen on the streets of Hartlepool, London and Southport recently was nothing compared to what could happen in the coming weeks.

He also justified the riot.

The far right, he said, is a response to fears, discomfort and anxieties shared by tens of millions of people.

Neil Basu, Britain's former counter-terrorism police chief, criticised Farage for not doing enough to condemn the violence.

Did Nigel Farage condemn violence? Did he condemn the EDL? Basu said that these people exist to foment discord in society.

Police Minister Diana Johnson has promised to punish and take action against those responsible for disorder and violence on our streets.

When Johnson saw people looting some stores in the city centre, he said it had nothing to do with a real protest or people having different opinions on immigration.

What are your future plans?

Police and officials are telling the public that those who commit violence and abuse will be punished. Meanwhile, minority and immigrant communities are increasingly fearful.

At a recent press conference, South Yorkshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Lindsay Butterfield said: “If you were there, we will find you and you will be held accountable for yesterday's violence.”

Veteran Labor MP Diane Abbott said on X: There has been anti-immigrant rioting across the country on an unprecedented scale. It is a threat to life, property and police forces. Parliament must be called.

Sarah Khan, the independent adviser who led the review of social cohesion and resilience to counter extremism, told the Guardian that the threat from extremism and cohesion was deepening.

Our country is woefully unprepared, she said. There are loopholes in our laws that allow these extremists to operate with impunity.




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