There are 5 million cases of coronavirus in the United States. Probably even higher
Rome-Europe is alarmed that Europe’s highest and most powerful countries have not been able to contain the tragedy with more than 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases on Sunday in the US I am exposed to my heart.
Probably nowhere else in the United States to find a response to the American virus, which has a more astounding view than the United States Italy has become zero in Europe.. The Italians weren’t ready for the explosion that occurred in February, and the country still has one of the highest official death toll in the world at over 35,000.
However, after a nationwide strict 10-week blockade, careful tracking of new clusters, general acceptance of mask duty and social distance, Italy has become a model for virus containment.
“Do they care about their health?” Patrizia Antonini, wearing a mask, asked about Americans while walking with friends on the banks of Lake Bracciano, north of Rome. “They need to take our precautions… they need a real lockdown.”
Many of the wonders in Europe benefit from the time, European experience, and medical know-how to treat a virus that the continent itself did not have when the first COVID-19 patients began to replenish intensive care units in the United States. It comes from the fact that I received it.
More than four months after a persistent outbreak, the United States has reached 5 million mark, according to the current counts maintained by Johns Hopkins University. Health officials believe that the actual number is probably 10 times or close to 50 million, given the limits of testing and the fact that 40% of all infected people are asymptomatic.
“We Italians always looked at the United States as a model,” said Massimo Franco, a columnist who welcomes Corriere della Serra every day. “But the virus found a very vulnerable country with poor infrastructure and no public health system.”
Europe’s countries are free to move American tourists and visitors from other countries out of the block, with the highest death toll in the United States exceeding 160,000, mask resistance to politics and increasing case load I have forbidden to do it.
France and Germany impose arrival tests for travelers from “endangered” countries, including the United States.
“I am very well aware that this affects personal freedom, but I believe this is a legitimate intervention,” said Jens Spang, German health minister, last week.
Even in Europe, there were mistakes, from delayed lockdowns, inadequate protection of nursing homes, to a serious lack of testing and protective equipment for health care workers.
In heavily damaged Spain, France, the United Kingdom and Germany, infections have recovered, with more than 1,000 new cases a day and more than 500 cases in Italy on Friday. Some scientists say the UK’s beloved pub may need to close again if the school reopens in September.
Over Europe, more than 207,000 viruses have been identified according to Johns Hopkins calculations.
In the United States, new cases run about 54,000 per day. Even taking into account the large population of the country, very many cases have occurred. And while it has fallen from the peak of well over 70,000 last month, the number of cases is increasing in nearly 20 states and most are increasing deaths.
In contrast, the virus seems to be under some control, at least in Europe so far.
Scott Lukas, an international research professor at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, said: “But of course, medical and public health professionals were not allowed to proceed unchecked,” he said, referring to President Donald Trump’s frequent undercutting of his own experts. ..
When the virus first appeared in the United States, Trump and his supporters quickly dismissed it as either a “hoax” or a tragedy that quickly disappears when warmer weather arrives. At some point, Trump proposed eradicating the virus by injecting UV light or a disinfectant. (He later said he was funny).
Trump’s frequent complaints about Dr. Anthony Forch are regularly talked about in Europe, a respected figure by US infectious disease specialists. The major COVID-19 hospital in Italy provided work to Fouch if Trump fired him.
Trump defended the US response, blaming China for the first detection of the virus as a US problem, and blamed the large number in the US for many tests being conducted. Trump supporters and Americans who refuse to wear masks for all medical advice on the line.
“There is no reason to be afraid of the illness there,” said Julia Felho, three alpine mothers in Alpine, Texas, who “eagerly” oppose wearing masks. 35-year-old Ferjo teaches fitness classes in a big gym with open doors. She does not allow participants to wear a mask.
“When you are breathing hard, I will faint,” she said. “I don’t want people to just fall like flies.”
And health officials watched as thousands of bikers gathered in a small city in South Dakota on Friday Sturgis holds a 10-day motorcycle rally every year.. The state has no mask duty, and many bikers have stated they oppose measures to prevent the spread of the virus.
Dr. David Ho, head of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, which heads a team seeking treatment for COVID-19, condemned such behavior and national handling of the virus.
“Neither national strategy nor national leadership encourage people to act in concert and take action together,” he said. “That’s what we need and we have completely abandoned it as a nation.”
“No one can believe what they see in the United States, and they can’t believe the words that come out of leadership,” he said when he joined Zoomcall with correspondents around the world. Said.
Among contempt from other countries, Trump’s national security adviser Robert O’Brien released a hilarious photo on CBS’Face the Nation’ on Sunday after a fresh recovery from a match with the virus.
“We fight like one. We are working hard on vaccines. We are working on testing portable, fast machines…. We are working on treatment.” He said. “I am very impressed with our scientists and doctors, our first responders, and the people attacking this disease, and God bless them all.”
Many Europeans are proud to point out the national medical system that not only tests COVID-19 for free but also treats it. Unlike the American system, the virus crisis has only exacerbated the inequality of income earning and health care races.
“The coronavirus cruelly removed the vulnerability of a country that had been slipping for years,” Italian author Massimo Gudge said in his new book “Crack America” (Broken America) from COVID-19. Also writes about the American problem that has existed for a long time.
Gagi started writing this book last year and thought the title was a provocative awakening call. Then the virus was hit.
“By March, the title was no longer provocative,” he said. “It was obvious.”
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